CTDL Explorer


This page describes sample structures for the top-level objects in CTDL, as you would find them in the Registry. Contact Us if you have any questions.

Data in the Registry

In the Registry, there are several classes that can be accessed directly via their URIs. These classes are commonly referred to as "top level classes":

There are two ways to retrieve such objects: via the object's graph URI and via the object's resources URI. Depending on which option you choose, the data you receive will have different wrapping structures (the core data will be identical). Compare:

Record retrieved via graph URI ( e.g., https://credentialengineregistry.org/graph/ce-01496a63-5c64-4ec3-aa2a-07a8fb184bef ):

{ "@id": "https://credentialengineregistry.org/graph/ce-01496a63-5c64-4ec3-aa2a-07a8fb184bef", "@context": "https://credreg.net/ctdl/schema/context/json", "@graph": [ { "@id": "https://credentialengineregistry.org/resources/ce-01496a63-5c64-4ec3-aa2a-07a8fb184bef", "@type": "ceterms:Credential", "ceterms:name": { "en": "My Credential" } "ceterms:accreditedBy": [ "_:0965e29c-757b-4467-9bc8-28f142d5e981" ] }, { "@id": "_:0965e29c-757b-4467-9bc8-28f142d5e981", "@type": "ceterms:QACredentialOrganization", "ceterms:name": { "en": "an unregistered QA organization" }, "ceterms:description": { "en": "An organization referenced by the Credential that does not exist on its own in the registry" } } ] }

The same record retrieved via resources URI ( e.g., https://credentialengineregistry.org/resources/ce-01496a63-5c64-4ec3-aa2a-07a8fb184bef ):

{ "@id": "https://credentialengineregistry.org/resources/ce-01496a63-5c64-4ec3-aa2a-07a8fb184bef", "@type": "ceterms:Credential", "ceterms:name": { "en": "My Credential" } "ceterms:accreditedBy": [ "_:0965e29c-757b-4467-9bc8-28f142d5e981" ] }

Key things to note:

Additionally, the Credential Registry Search API returns search results that are constructed from resources data (in order to avoid the complexity of graphs and avoid blank nodes showing as false-positive search results). If your system intends to consume search results for further processing beyond simply displaying them, it is recommended to retrieve the graph data for each result in order to ensure your system has any potentially-relevant blank nodes.

Record Examples




Learning Opportunity

Competency Framework


For an explanation of CTDL, review the CTDL Handbook. All data in the Registry will conform to the Minimum Data Policy.