Credential Engine Meta Schema
Release 20170929 | View Pending Changes

Credential Engine Meta Schema by Credential Engine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
About This Schema
Classes and properties used to aid in the management of schemas by the Credential Engine. This schema is subject to undocumented change at any time. Third parties may reference this schema if necessary, but should not implement it.
9/29/2017 Release
This is the September 2017 Release of the CE Meta Schema
How to Read These Tables
This page displays the Credential Engine Meta Schema schema in an RDF-centric format. Below you will find every class, property, concept scheme, and concept for this schema, each with a thorough description and connections to other terms. For an object-oriented view of this schema, use the Mapping Guidance page.
The following tables use a common set of attributes to describe each Term. Not all terms will have all attributes.
Attribute | Description |
URI | Unique Resource Identifier used to identify the term. It consists of a full namespace (such as ) followed by the term itself. This URI can uniquely identify the term in various contexts, including those where multiple namespaces are used. |
Shorthand URI | Equivalent to the URI, but using a shorter namespace prefix (such as meta ) followed by : and then by the term itself. Use the References table to determine which prefix is associated with which full URI namespace. |
Label | A human-readable label assigned to the term. In applications, this may be substituted for any label that is suitable for that application. May be represented in multiple languages. |
Definition | The normative definition for the term. The definition field controls the true meaning of the term regardless of its URI or its Label. May be represented in multiple languages. |
Comment | Additional non-normative descriptive text to aid in understanding the intended meaning and/or purpose of the term. May be represented in multiple languages. |
Usage Note | Additional non-normative descriptive text to aid in understanding the intended usage of the term. May be represented in multiple languages. |
Type of Term | Indicates the type of term: Class, Property, Concept Scheme, or Concept. |
Status | Indicates the current status of the term: Stable, Unstable, Pending, or Deprecated. |
Subclass Of | Indicates that this class is a more narrowly-focused variant of the referenced class. |
Subproperty Of | Indicates that this property is a more narrowly-focused variant of the referenced property. |
Subconcept Of | Indicates that this concept is a more narrowly-focused variant of the referenced concept. |
Equivalent To | Lists the terms, often from other namespaces, that have the same (or nearly the same) semantic meaning as this term. |
Properties | Lists the properties that belong to this class (as defined by the properties' "Domain Includes" data). |
In Range Of | Lists the properties whose value may be an instance of this class (as defined by the properties' "Range Includes" data). |
Domain Includes | Lists the classes to which this property belongs. |
Range Includes | Lists the classes or value types that may be used as a value for this property. |
CER Target Scheme | Lists the concept schemes that are intended to ultimately be used as values for this term, either directly or indirectly. |
Concepts | Lists the terms that may be considered concepts for this concept scheme. |
CER Scheme For | Lists the terms that are intended to reference terms from this scheme, either directly or indirectly. |
In Scheme | Lists the concept schemes in which this concept appears. |
Serialization | Provides links to serializations (in JSON-LD and Turtle) for this term. |
History | Provides links to the schema update history for this term. |
In the tables below, the following prefixes refer to the following schema sources:
General References | ||
Prefix | Vocabulary Name | Vocabulary Title |
cs | | RDF ChangeSet Vocabulary |
meta | | CE Meta Schema Terms |
rdf | | Resource Description Framework |
skos | | Simple Knowledge Organization System |
vs | | Term-centric Semantic Web Vocabulary Annotations |
xsd | | XML Schema Definition |
Controlled Vocabulary Concepts References (SKOS) | ||
Prefix | Vocabulary Name | Vocabulary Title |
constraintType | | CE Meta Schema Constraint Type Concept Scheme |
groupType | | CE Meta Schema Group Type |
tst | | CTDL Term Statuses |
meta:ChangeHistory | |
URI: | |
Shorthand URI: | meta:ChangeHistory |
Label: |
en-US: Change History
Definition: |
en-US: Provides a list of cs:ChangeSet instances for a term.
Type of Term: | rdfs:Class |
Status: | vs:stable |
Properties: | |
In Range Of: | |
Serialization: | JSON Encoding Turtle Encoding JSON Context |
History: | View History View History (JSON) View History (Turtle) |
meta:domainFor | |
URI: | |
Shorthand URI: | meta:domainFor |
Label: |
en-US: Domain For
Definition: |
en-US: This class is one of the domains for the indicated property.
Type of Term: | rdf:Property |
Status: | vs:stable |
Domain Includes: | |
Range Includes: | |
Serialization: | JSON Encoding Turtle Encoding JSON Context |
History: | View History View History (JSON) View History (Turtle) |
meta:hasChangeSet | |
URI: | |
Shorthand URI: | meta:hasChangeSet |
Label: |
en-US: Has Change Set
Definition: |
en-US: Provides a list of change sets for this term.
Type of Term: | rdf:Property |
Status: | vs:stable |
Domain Includes: | |
Range Includes: | |
Serialization: | JSON Encoding Turtle Encoding JSON Context |
History: | View History View History (JSON) View History (Turtle) |
meta:hasConcept | |
URI: | |
Shorthand URI: | meta:hasConcept |
Label: |
en-US: Has Concept
Definition: |
en-US: The indicated concept is a concept of this concept scheme at some level.
Comment: |
en-US: Less specific than skos:hasTopConcept. Concepts listed here may appear anywhere in this concept scheme.
Type of Term: | rdf:Property |
Status: | vs:stable |
Domain Includes: | |
Range Includes: | |
Serialization: | JSON Encoding Turtle Encoding JSON Context |
History: | View History View History (JSON) View History (Turtle) |
meta:objectText | |
URI: | |
Shorthand URI: | meta:objectText |
Label: |
en-US: Object Text
Definition: |
en-US: Language-encoded text of a meta:Triple.
Type of Term: | rdf:Property |
Status: | vs:stable |
Subproperty Of: | |
Domain Includes: | |
Range Includes: | |
Serialization: | JSON Encoding Turtle Encoding JSON Context |
History: | View History View History (JSON) View History (Turtle) |
meta:supersededBy | |
URI: | |
Shorthand URI: | meta:supersededBy |
Label: |
en-US: Superseded By
Definition: |
en-US: Indicates the entity that supersedes this entity.
Type of Term: | rdf:Property |
Status: | vs:stable |
Domain Includes: | |
Range Includes: | |
Serialization: | JSON Encoding Turtle Encoding JSON Context |
History: | View History View History (JSON) View History (Turtle) |
meta:targetScheme | |
URI: | |
Shorthand URI: | meta:targetScheme |
Label: |
en-US: Target Concept Scheme
Definition: |
en-US: Indicates the primary or preferred concept scheme that should ultimately be used with this property, even when the range of the property is an intermediate object.
Type of Term: | rdf:Property |
Status: | vs:stable |
Domain Includes: | |
Range Includes: | |
Serialization: | JSON Encoding Turtle Encoding JSON Context |
History: | View History View History (JSON) View History (Turtle) |
Concept Schemes
meta:ConstraintType | |
URI: | |
Shorthand URI: | meta:ConstraintType |
Label: |
en-US: Constraint Type
Definition: |
en-US: Types of constraints used in profiles of schemas.
Type of Term: | skos:ConceptScheme |
Status: | vs:stable |
Concepts: |
CER Scheme For: | |
Serialization: | JSON Encoding Turtle Encoding JSON Context |
History: | View History View History (JSON) View History (Turtle) |
meta:GroupType | |
URI: | |
Shorthand URI: | meta:GroupType |
Label: |
en-US: Group Type
Definition: |
en-US: Groups of schema terms.
Type of Term: | skos:ConceptScheme |
Status: | vs:stable |
Concepts: | |
CER Scheme For: | |
Serialization: | JSON Encoding Turtle Encoding JSON Context |
History: | View History View History (JSON) View History (Turtle) |
meta:TermStatusType | |
URI: | |
Shorthand URI: | meta:TermStatusType |
Label: |
en-US: Term Status Type
Definition: |
en-US: Types of Statuses for terms, primarily those used in the CTDL family of schemas.
Type of Term: | skos:ConceptScheme |
Status: | vs:unstable |
Concepts: | |
CER Scheme For: | |
Serialization: | JSON Encoding Turtle Encoding JSON Context |
History: | View History View History (JSON) View History (Turtle) |
constraintType:HasValidationGroup | |
URI: | |
Shorthand URI: | constraintType:HasValidationGroup |
Label: |
en-US: Has Validation Group
Definition: |
en-US: When a class in the subject of this constraint is selected along with a parameter that indicates it should be grouped with similar classes, the resulting data should instead use classes in the object of this constraint.
Comment: |
en-US: Classes in the subject of this constraint may also appear in the object of this constraint, so that the object list should always be used without concatenation with the subject list.
Type of Term: | skos:Concept |
Status: | vs:stable |
In Scheme: | |
Serialization: | JSON Encoding Turtle Encoding JSON Context |
History: | View History View History (JSON) View History (Turtle) |
constraintType:OverrideDomain | |
URI: | |
Shorthand URI: | constraintType:OverrideDomain |
Label: |
en-US: Override Domain
Definition: |
en-US: Replaces the domain of the property or properties in the subject with the value or values of the object.
Type of Term: | skos:Concept |
Status: | vs:stable |
In Scheme: | |
Serialization: | JSON Encoding Turtle Encoding JSON Context |
History: | View History View History (JSON) View History (Turtle) |
constraintType:OverrideRange | |
URI: | |
Shorthand URI: | constraintType:OverrideRange |
Label: |
en-US: Override Range
Definition: |
en-US: Replaces the rdfs:rangeIncludes of the property or properties in the subject with the value or values in the object.
Comment: |
en-US: Enables forcibly replacing the range of a property with an arbitrarily chosen range. Useful for restricting a multi-range property at the schema level to a single range in a profile.
Type of Term: | skos:Concept |
Status: | vs:stable |
In Scheme: | |
Serialization: | JSON Encoding Turtle Encoding JSON Context |
History: | View History View History (JSON) View History (Turtle) |
constraintType:RecommendsProperty | |
URI: | |
Shorthand URI: | constraintType:RecommendsProperty |
Label: |
en-US: Recommends Property
Definition: |
en-US: Classes in the subject of this constraint recommend that data be provided for properties in the object of this constraint.
Type of Term: | skos:Concept |
Status: | vs:stable |
In Scheme: | |
Serialization: | JSON Encoding Turtle Encoding JSON Context |
History: | View History View History (JSON) View History (Turtle) |
constraintType:ReferenceProperty | |
URI: | |
Shorthand URI: | constraintType:ReferenceProperty |
Label: |
en-US: Reference Property
Definition: |
en-US: Classes in the subject of this constraint can be pointed to by the set of properties in the object of this constraint when no direct reference to an instance of that class is available.
Comment: |
en-US: When you need to point to an entity that does not have a URI, you can use the set of properties indicated in the object of this constraint to provide a loose "pointer" object intended to lead the consumer of the information to the desired entity.
Type of Term: | skos:Concept |
Status: | vs:stable |
In Scheme: | |
Serialization: | JSON Encoding Turtle Encoding JSON Context |
History: | View History View History (JSON) View History (Turtle) |
constraintType:RequiresAnyProperty | |
URI: | |
Shorthand URI: | constraintType:RequiresAnyProperty |
Label: |
en-US: Requires Any Property
Definition: |
en-US: Classes in the subject of this constraint require that data be provided for one or more of the properties in the subject of this constraint.
Comment: |
en-US: Each instance of a constraint that uses this constraint type should be considered a separate entity. Do not merge the subjects or objects lists of such entities with any other entities, even if there is overlap between the subjects or objects lists.
Type of Term: | skos:Concept |
Status: | vs:stable |
In Scheme: | |
Serialization: | JSON Encoding Turtle Encoding JSON Context |
History: | View History View History (JSON) View History (Turtle) |
constraintType:RequiresProperty | |
URI: | |
Shorthand URI: | constraintType:RequiresProperty |
Label: |
en-US: Requires Property
Definition: |
en-US: Classes in the subject of this constraint require that data be provided for properties listed in the object of this constraint.
Type of Term: | skos:Concept |
Status: | vs:stable |
In Scheme: | |
Serialization: | JSON Encoding Turtle Encoding JSON Context |
History: | View History View History (JSON) View History (Turtle) |
constraintType:StronglyRecommendsProperty | |
URI: | |
Shorthand URI: | constraintType:StronglyRecommendsProperty |
Label: |
en-US: Strongly Recommends Property
Definition: |
en-US: Classes in the subject of this constraint strongly recommend that data for properties in the object of this constraint be provided if such data is available.
Type of Term: | skos:Concept |
Status: | vs:stable |
In Scheme: | |
Serialization: | JSON Encoding Turtle Encoding JSON Context |
History: | View History View History (JSON) View History (Turtle) |
constraintType:ValidationTopLevel | |
URI: | |
Shorthand URI: | constraintType:ValidationTopLevel |
Label: |
en-US: Validation Top Level
Definition: |
en-US: Classes in the subject of this constraint should be considered "top level" entities in some system, and should be directly retrievable from that system.
Type of Term: | skos:Concept |
Status: | vs:stable |
In Scheme: | |
Serialization: | JSON Encoding Turtle Encoding JSON Context |
History: | View History View History (JSON) View History (Turtle) |
groupType:Expansion | |
URI: | |
Shorthand URI: | groupType:Expansion |
Label: |
en-US: Expansion
Definition: |
en-US: The URI of this group should be replaced with the members of this group when being processed by some system, when and where appropriate.
Type of Term: | skos:Concept |
Status: | vs:stable |
In Scheme: | |
Serialization: | JSON Encoding Turtle Encoding JSON Context |
History: | View History View History (JSON) View History (Turtle) |
groupType:SuperClass | |
URI: | |
Shorthand URI: | groupType:SuperClass |
Label: |
en-US: Super Class
Definition: |
en-US: Classes that serve as a grouping mechanism for other classes.
Comment: |
en-US: Generally, members of this group are not used in actual implementations; rather, subclasses of these classes should be used.
Type of Term: | skos:Concept |
Status: | vs:stable |
In Scheme: | |
Serialization: | JSON Encoding Turtle Encoding JSON Context |
History: | View History View History (JSON) View History (Turtle) |
groupType:TopLevel | |
URI: | |
Shorthand URI: | groupType:TopLevel |
Label: |
en-US: Top Level
Definition: |
en-US: Classes that are published as URI references rather than as embedded data.
Type of Term: | skos:Concept |
Status: | vs:stable |
In Scheme: | |
Serialization: | JSON Encoding Turtle Encoding JSON Context |
History: | View History View History (JSON) View History (Turtle) |
tst:Deprecated | |
URI: | |
Shorthand URI: | tst:Deprecated |
Label: |
en-US: Deprecated
Definition: |
en-US: This term is marked as archaic. It is not considered typical of current best practice and therefore alternative expressions may be preferable.
Type of Term: | skos:Concept |
Status: | vs:unstable |
In Scheme: | |
Serialization: | JSON Encoding Turtle Encoding JSON Context |
History: | View History View History (JSON) View History (Turtle) |
tst:Pending | |
URI: | |
Shorthand URI: | tst:Pending |
Label: |
en-US: Pending
Definition: |
en-US: The term is in a development/comment period; changes are still possible.
Type of Term: | skos:Concept |
Status: | vs:unstable |
In Scheme: | |
Serialization: | JSON Encoding Turtle Encoding JSON Context |
History: | View History View History (JSON) View History (Turtle) |
tst:Stable | |
URI: | |
Shorthand URI: | tst:Stable |
Label: |
en-US: Stable
Definition: |
en-US: The term is relatively stable, and its documentation and meaning are not expected to change substantially.
Type of Term: | skos:Concept |
Status: | vs:unstable |
In Scheme: | |
Serialization: | JSON Encoding Turtle Encoding JSON Context |
History: | View History View History (JSON) View History (Turtle) |
tst:Unstable | |
URI: | |
Shorthand URI: | tst:Unstable |
Label: |
en-US: Unstable
Definition: |
en-US: The term is liable to change at some point in the future, or may be deleted entirely. Use with caution.
Type of Term: | skos:Concept |
Status: | vs:unstable |
In Scheme: | |
Serialization: | JSON Encoding Turtle Encoding JSON Context |
History: | View History View History (JSON) View History (Turtle) |
Info and Statistics
Below is key information for the 9/29/2017 Release of Credential Engine Meta Schema:
Credential Engine Meta Schema
Schema ID: meta
Schema Prefix: meta
Release ID: 20170929
Release Date: 9/29/2017
Release Status: vs:stable
Use the options below to determine the totals to include for the selected schemas. For each schema, you can also opt to include counts for terms that that schema borrows:
- From other Credential Engine schemas (e.g., CTDL-ASN borrows ceterms:industryType from CTDL for its ceasn:CompetencyFramework class)
- From non-Credential Engine schemas (e.g., CTDL borrows schema:QuantitativeData from for its ceterms:financialAssistanceValue property)
Terms will not be counted twice regardless of which combination of options you select.
Term Type | Stable | Unstable | Pending | Deprecated | Total by Type |
Class | |||||
Property | |||||
Concept Scheme | |||||
Concept | |||||
Total by Status |