CTDL Types List

CTDL Classes

The following terms are Classes in the CTDL schema, listed alphabetically and grouped by their Class/Subclass hierarchies.

CTDL Classes with Subclasses

This section lists CTDL Classes with their Subclasses.


Agent ceterms:Agent
Organization or person that acts or has the power to act.
Broad type that includes both organizations and people who play roles in the lifecycle of a resource.
CredentialPerson ceterms:CredentialPerson
Person who plays a role as primary agent in a credentialing action.
The ceterms:CredentialPerson class should be used to describe persons directly engaged as primary agent in credentialing actions such as approving, offering, recognizing, renewing and revoking credentials and should not include persons merely affiliated with, or employed by organizations that perform such actions.
Organization ceterms:Organization
An entity such as an association, company, corporation, club, co-operative, labor union etc.
Use for organizations that are not a Credential Organization or a QACredential Organization.
Credential Organization ceterms:CredentialOrganization
Organization that plays one or more key roles in the lifecycle of a credential.
For organizations that are not a Credential Organization or a QA Credential Organization, use ceterms:Organization.
QA Credential Organization ceterms:QACredentialOrganization
Quality assurance organization that plays one or more key roles in the lifecycle of a credential, learning program, or assessment.
For organizations that are not a QA Credential Organization or a Credential Organization, use ceterms:Organization.

Aggregate Data Profile

Aggregate Data Profile ceterms:AggregateDataProfile
Resource containing summary statistical data.
To express more complex data, use qdata:DataSetProfile.
Earnings Profile ceterms:EarningsProfile
Entity that describes earning and related statistical information for a given credential.
The use of ceterms:AggregateDataProfile instead of this class is strongly recommended.
Employment Outcome Profile ceterms:EmploymentOutcomeProfile
Entity that describes employment outcomes and related statistical information for a given credential.
The use of ceterms:AggregateDataProfile instead of this class is strongly recommended.
Holders Profile ceterms:HoldersProfile
Entity describing the count and related statistical information of holders of a given credential.
The use of ceterms:AggregateDataProfile instead of this class is strongly recommended.


Collection ceterms:Collection
Aggregation of related resources.
Pathway Set ceterms:PathwaySet
A roadmap of multiple related pathways that lead to one or more destinations.

Contact Point

Contact Point ceterms:ContactPoint
Means of contacting an organization or its representative.
For example, a public relations email address or phone number.
Postal Address ceterms:PostalAddress
Entity describing a mailing address.


Credential ceterms:Credential
Qualification, achievement, personal or organizational quality, or aspect of an identity typically used to indicate suitability.
The ceterms:Credential class is broadly defined to encompass credentials used across domains and communities of practice. The class should be used only when speaking of credentials in general. Subclasses of ceterms:Credential as defined by Credential Engine (or other communities) should be used when referencing specific types of credentials.
Badge ceterms:Badge
Recognition designed to be displayed as a marker of accomplishment, activity, achievement, skill, interest, association, or identity.
Digital Badge ceterms:DigitalBadge
Badge offered in digital form.
Open Badge ceterms:OpenBadge
Visual symbol containing verifiable claims in accordance with the Open Badges specification and delivered digitally.
Certificate ceterms:Certificate
Credential which designates participation in, completion of, or demonstration of requisite knowledge and skills for a formal academic or training program, an occupation, or non-formal learning.
Distinct from degrees of higher education and typically non-renewable. For degrees of higher education use an appropriate type from the Degree hierarchy.
Academic Certificate ceterms:AcademicCertificate
Credential awarded for successful completion of a formal education program, demonstrating requisite knowledge and skills.
Formal education programs include academic, career, technical programs with defined completion requirements and often require approvals by provincial or federal government.
Basic Technical Certificate ceterms:BasicTechnicalCertificate
Credential awarded at a postsecondary level for successful completion of a formal education program that is completed within one semester, demonstrating competencies within a specific occupational area, indicating job readiness.
Typically equivalent to a United States IPEDS level 1a that specifies postsecondary certificates of less than 300 clock hours, or less than 9 semester or trimester credit hours, or less than 13 quarter credit hours.
General Education Level 1 Certificate ceterms:GeneralEducationLevel1Certificate
Credential award at a postsecondary level for successful completion of general education courses that cover a broad range of foundational academic skills and takes less than 1 year.
Can lead to a General Education Certificate Level 2 or a degree. Equivalent to a United States IPEDS Award Level 1b that specifies postsecondary certificates of 300-899 clock hours, or 9-29 semester or trimester credit hours, or 13-44 quarter credit hours.
If the competencies are related to a specific subject area or occupational area use the Technical Level 1 or use a Higher Education Certificate.
General Education Level 2 Certificate ceterms:GeneralEducationLevel2Certificate
Credential award at a postsecondary level for successful completion of general education courses that takes at least 1 year that cover a broad range of foundational academic skills and takes less than 2 years to complete.
Can lead to a degree. Equivalent to a United States IPEDS Award Level 2 that specifies postsecondary certificates of at least 900 but less than 1,800 clock hours, or at least 30 but less than 60 semester or trimester credit hours, or at least 45 but less than 90 quarter credit hours.
If the competencies are related to a specific subject area or occupational area use the Technical Level 2 or use a Higher Education Certificate.
Higher Education Level 1 Certificate ceterms:HigherEducationLevel1Certificate
Credential awarded at the postsecondary level for successful completion of a formal higher education program that takes about one year in a specific subject.
Typically equivalent to 60 ECTS Credits at Level 5 in the European Qualifications Framework.
Higher Education Level 2 Certificate ceterms:HigherEducationLevel2Certificate
Credential awarded at the postsecondary level for successful completion of a formal higher education program that takes about two years in a specific subject.
Typically equivalent to 120 ECTS Credits at Level 5 in the European Qualifications Framework and the Short Cycle in the Qualifications Framework of the European Higher Education Area.
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate ceterms:PostBaccalaureateCertificate
Credential award that requires completion of an organized program of study at a level beyond that of a bachelor's degree, which is designed for persons who have completed a baccalaureate degree but does not meet the requirements of a master's degree.
This may include certificates that are for specialties within an occupational field or occupational program of study. Equivalent to a United States IPEDS Award Level 6.
Post-Master Certificate ceterms:PostMasterCertificate
Credential award that requires completion of an organized program of study beyond that of a master's degree, which is designed for persons who have completed a master's degree but does not meet the requirements of a doctor's degree.
This may include certificates that are for specialties within an occupational field or occupational program of study and can include post-doctoral first professional certificates such as healthcare and law. Equivalent to a United States IPEDS Award Level 7 or 17, 18, and 19.
Secondary Education Certificate ceterms:SecondaryEducationCertificate
Credential for successful completion of a formal secondary-level education program that is less than a diploma and does not indicate completion of secondary education graduation requirements.
Use Diploma or General Education Development to indicate completion of secondary education graduation requirements.
Technical Level 1 Certificate ceterms:TechnicalLevel1Certificate
Credential award at a postsecondary level for successful completion of a formal education program that is more than one semester and less than 1 year, demonstrating competencies within a specific subject area or an occupational area indicating job readiness.
Can lead to a Technical Certificate Level 2 or a degree. Equivalent to a United States IPEDS Award Level 1b that specifies postsecondary certificates of 300-899 clock hours, or 9-29 semester or trimester credit hours, or 13-44 quarter credit hours.
Technical Level 2 Certificate ceterms:TechnicalLevel2Certificate
Credential award at a postsecondary level for successful completion of a formal education program that is at least 1 year but less than 2 years, demonstrating competencies within a specific subject area or in an occupational area indicating job readiness.
Can lead to a degree. Equivalent to a United States IPEDS Award Level 2 that specifies postsecondary certificates of at least 900 but less than 1,800 clock hours, or at least 30 but less than 60 semester or trimester credit hours, or at least 45 but less than 90 quarter credit hours.
Technical Level 3 Certificate ceterms:TechnicalLevel3Certificate
Credential award at a postsecondary level for successful completion of a formal education program that is at least 2 years but less than 4 years, demonstrating competencies within specific occupational areas indicating job readiness.
Can lead to a degree. Equivalent to a United States IPEDS Award Level 4 that specifies certificates of 1,800 or more clock hours, or 60 or more semester or trimester credit hours, or 90 or more quarter credit hours.
Certificate of Completion ceterms:CertificateOfCompletion
Credential that acknowledges completion of an assignment, training or other activity.
A record of the activity may or may not exist, and the credential may or may not be designed as preparation for another resource such as a credential, assessment, or learning opportunity.
Certificate of Participation ceterms:CertificateOfParticipation
Credential that acknowledges attendance and/or engagement in an activity.
These certificates do not imply completion, or mastery of specific skills, or that a grade has been awarded, but recognize the individual's active participation with an activity. A record of the activity may or may not exist, and the credential may or may not be designed as preparation for another resource such as a credential, assessment, or learning opportunity.
Professional Certificate ceterms:ProfessionalCertificate
Credential awarded for demonstrating competencies in a profession or particular occupational field, including job readiness.
These certificates validate competency in tasks, tools, software, or procedures within a particular industry and are often awarded by training centers, career and technical education, industry organizations, or businesses.
Proficiency Certificate ceterms:ProficiencyCertificate
Credential awarded after assessment of skills in a specific area defined by a recognized body of experts, without regard for how the skills were learned.
Examples of specific areas include language, typing, music, and dance.
Work-Based Learning Certificate ceterms:WorkBasedLearningCertificate
Credential awarded for work-based learning and earn-and-learn models that meet standards and are applicable to industry, trades, occupations, and professions.
Work-based learning includes many types of skills training that are occupation specific including, but not limited to apprenticeships.
Apprentice Certificate ceterms:ApprenticeshipCertificate
Credential awarded at the Apprentice level for successful completion of an apprenticeship program in industry trades and professions.
Journeyman Certificate ceterms:JourneymanCertificate
Credential awarded at the Journeyman level for successful completion of an apprenticeship program in industry trades and professions.
Master Trade Certificate ceterms:MasterCertificate
Credential awarded at the Master level for demonstration of the highest level of skills and performance in industry trades and professions.
Pre-Apprenticeship Certificate ceterms:PreApprenticeshipCertificate
Credential awarded to indicate readiness for an apprentice-level program.
Certification ceterms:Certification
Time-limited, revocable, renewable credential awarded by an authoritative body for demonstrating the knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform specific tasks or an occupation.
Certifications can typically be revoked if not renewed, for a violation of a code of ethics (if applicable) or proven incompetence after due process. Description of revocation criteria for a specific Certification should be defined using Revocation Profile.
Degree ceterms:Degree
Academic credential conferred upon completion of a program or course of study, typically over multiple years at a college or university.
Associate Degree ceterms:AssociateDegree
College/university award for students typically completing the first two years of full-time postsecondary school education.
Equivalent to an award at UNESCO ISCED 2011, Level 5, and United States IPEDS Award Level 3.
Use this class for types of Associate Degrees that are not covered by more specific subtypes.
Associate of Applied Arts Degree ceterms:AssociateOfAppliedArtsDegree
College/university award for students typically completing two years of full-time postsecondary school education in a technical, professional, or vocational program with an emphasis on direct employment in the arts and social sciences fields.
Equivalent to an award at UNESCO ISCED 2011, Level 5, and United States IPEDS Award Level 3.
Use the name property to capture local variations on what this class covers.
Associate of Applied Science Degree ceterms:AssociateOfAppliedScienceDegree
College/university award for students typically completing two years of full-time postsecondary school education in a technical, professional, or vocational program with an emphasis on direct employment in applied scientific and technological fields.
Equivalent to an award at UNESCO ISCED 2011, Level 5, and United States IPEDS Award Level 3.
Use the name property to capture local variations on what this class covers.
Associate of Arts Degree ceterms:AssociateOfArtsDegree
College/university award for students typically completing the first two years of full-time postsecondary school education with an emphasis in the liberal arts and sciences such as the humanities and social science fields.
Equivalent to an award at UNESCO ISCED 2011, Level 5, and United States IPEDS Award Level 3.
Use the name property to capture local variations on what this class covers.
Associate of Science Degree ceterms:AssociateOfScienceDegree
College/university award for students typically completing the first two years of full-time postsecondary school education with an emphasis in scientific and technical fields and professional fields of study.
Equivalent to an award at UNESCO ISCED 2011, Level 5, and United States IPEDS Award Level 3.
Use the name property to capture local variations on what this class covers.
Bachelor's Degree ceterms:BachelorDegree
College/university award for students typically completing three to five years of education where course work and activities advance skills beyond those of the first one to two years of college/university study.
Equivalent to an award at UNESCO ISCED 2011, Level 6, and United States IPEDS Award Level 5.
Use for 5-year cooperative (work-study) programs. A cooperative plan provides for alternate class attendance and employment in business, industry, or government; thus, it allows students to combine actual work experience with their college studies. Also includes bachelor's degrees in which the normal 4 years of work are completed in 3 years.
Bachelor of Arts Degree ceterms:BachelorOfArtsDegree
College/university award for students typically completing three to five years of education where course work and activities advance skills beyond those of the first one to two years of college/university study, with an emphasis in the liberal arts and sciences such as the humanities and social science fields.
Equivalent to an award at UNESCO ISCED 2011, Level 6, and United States IPEDS Award Level 5.
Use the name property to capture local variations on what this class covers.
Bachelor of Science Degree ceterms:BachelorOfScienceDegree
College/university award for students typically completing three to five years of education where course work and activities advance skills beyond those of the first one to two years of college/university study, with an emphasis in scientific and technical fields and professional fields of study.
Equivalent to an award at UNESCO ISCED 2011, Level 6, and United States IPEDS Award Level 5.
Use the name property to capture local variations on what this class covers.
Doctoral Degree ceterms:DoctoralDegree
Highest credential award for students who have completed both a bachelor's degree and a master's degree or their equivalent as well as independent research and/or a significant project or paper.
Equivalent to UNESCO ISCED, Level 8 and United States IPEDS Award Levels 17, 18, and 19.
Use the name property to capture local variations on what this class covers.
Professional Doctorate ceterms:ProfessionalDoctorate
Doctoral degree conferred upon completion of a program providing the knowledge and skills for the recognition, credential, or license required for professional practice.
Equivalent to UNESCO ISCED, Level 8 and United States IPEDS Award Level 18.
Use the name property to capture local variations on what this class covers.
Research Doctorate ceterms:ResearchDoctorate
Doctoral degree conferred for advanced work beyond the master level, including the preparation and defense of a thesis or dissertation based on original research, or the planning and execution of an original project demonstrating substantial artistic or scholarly achievement.
Equivalent to UNESCO ISCED, Level 8 and United States IPEDS Award Level 17.
Use the name property to capture local variations on what this class covers.
Master's Degree ceterms:MasterDegree
Credential awarded for a graduate level course of study where course work and activities advance skills beyond those of the bachelor's degree or its equivalent.
Equivalent to an award at UNESCO ISCED 2011, Level 7, and United States IPEDS Award Level 7.
Master of Arts Degree ceterms:MasterOfArtsDegree
Credential awarded for a graduate level course of study where course work and activities advance skills beyond those of the bachelor's degree or its equivalent, with an emphasis in the liberal arts and sciences such as the humanities and social science fields.
Equivalent to an award at UNESCO ISCED 2011, Level 7, and United States IPEDS Award Level 7.
Use the name property to capture local variations on what this class covers.
Master of Science Degree ceterms:MasterOfScienceDegree
Credential awarded for a graduate level course of study where course work and activities advance skills beyond those of the bachelor's degree or its equivalent, with an emphasis in scientific and technical fields and professional fields of study.
Equivalent to an award at UNESCO ISCED 2011, Level 7, and United States IPEDS Award Level 7.
Use the name property to capture local variations on what this class covers.
Specialist Degree ceterms:SpecialistDegree
Credential awarded for a graduate level course of study where course work and activities advance skills beyond those of the master’s degree and less than a doctoral degree and provide specific preparation for advanced careers in a specialist field.
Equivalent to UNESCO ISCED, Level 8, and United States IPEDS Award Level 8.
Use the name property to capture local variations on what this class covers.
Diploma ceterms:Diploma
Credential awarded by educational institutions for successful completion of a course of study or its equivalent.
General Education Development (GED) ceterms:GeneralEducationDevelopment
Credential awarded by examination that demonstrates that an individual has acquired secondary school-level academic skills.
Equivalent to a secondary school diploma, based on passing a state- or province-selected examination such as GED, HiSET, or TASC; or to an award at UNESCO ISCED 2011 Levels 2 or 3.
Secondary School Diploma ceterms:SecondarySchoolDiploma
Diploma awarded by secondary education institutions for successful completion of a secondary school program of study.
Equivalent to an award at UNESCO ISCED 2011 Levels 2 or 3.
License ceterms:License
Credential awarded by a government agency or other authorized organization that constitutes legal authority to do a specific job and/or utilize a specific item, system or infrastructure and are typically earned through some combination of degree or certificate attainment, certifications, assessments, work experience, and/or fees, and are time-limited and must be renewed periodically.
Micro-Credential ceterms:MicroCredential
Credential that addresses a subset of field-specific knowledge, skills, or competencies; often developmental with relationships to other micro-credentials and field credentials.
Quality Assurance Credential ceterms:QualityAssuranceCredential
Credential assuring that an organization, program, or awarded credential meets prescribed requirements and may include development and administration of qualifying examinations.

Credential Framework

Credential Framework ceterms:CredentialFramework
Class of all structured sets of conceptual entities intentionally designed for use as value vocabulary terms for description and classification in the credentialing context.
The class includes, but is not limited to, subclasses of specialized concept schemes describing industries, occupations, professions, learning contexts and jobs, as well as specialized subject concept schemes, assessment rubrics, proficiency scales, and competency frameworks.
Industry Classification ceterms:IndustryClassification
Class of of concept schemes defining industries such as NAICS in the U.S. and ESCO in the European Union.
Instructional Program Classification ceterms:InstructionalProgramClassification
Class of concept schemes defining instructional program types such as the CIP codes in the U.S.
Class of concept schemes defining types
Occupation Classification ceterms:OccupationClassification
Class of concept schemes identifying occupations such as the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system in the U.S. and the European Skills/Competences, Qualifications and Occupations (ESCO).

Credentialing Action

Credentialing Action ceterms:CredentialingAction
Action taken by an agent affecting the status of an object entity.
Since an instance of ceterms:CredentialingAction is a claim that a certain agent has taken the action being described, creation of such a ceterms:CredentialingAction should be reserved to the agent of that action.
Accredit Action ceterms:AccreditAction
Action by an independent, neutral, and authoritative agent that certifies an entity as meeting a prescribed set of standards.
Since an instance of ceterms:CredentialingAction is a claim that a certain agent has taken the action being described, creation of such a ceterms:CredentialingAction should be reserved to the agent of that action.
Advanced Standing Action ceterms:AdvancedStandingAction
Claim by an agent asserting that the object credential of the action provides advanced standing for a credential under the asserting agent's authority.
Since an instance of ceterms:CredentialingAction is a claim that a certain agent has taken the action being described, creation of such a ceterms:CredentialingAction should be reserved to the agent of that action.
Approve Action ceterms:ApproveAction
Action by an independent, neutral, and authoritative agent that pronounces a favorable judgment of a credential.
Since an instance of ceterms:CredentialingAction is a claim that a certain agent has taken the action being described, creation of such a ceterms:CredentialingAction should be reserved to the agent of that action.
Offer Action ceterms:OfferAction
Action by an authoritative agent offering access to a entity such as a credential, learning opportunity or assessment.
Since an instance of ceterms:CredentialingAction is a claim that a certain agent has taken the action being described, creation of such a ceterms:CredentialingAction should be reserved to the agent of that action.
Recognize Action ceterms:RecognizeAction
Action by an independent, neutral, and authoritative agent acknowledging the validity of a resource.
Since an instance of ceterms:CredentialingAction is a claim that a certain agent has taken the action being described, creation of such a ceterms:CredentialingAction should be reserved to the agent of that action.
Registration Action ceterms:RegistrationAction
Action by an independent, neutral, and authoritative agent that registers a resource that has been vetted, approved, and validated to meet specific criteria.
Regulate Action ceterms:RegulateAction
Action by an independent, neutral, and authoritative agent enforcing the legal requirements of a resource.
Since an instance of ceterms:CredentialingAction is a claim that a certain agent has taken the action being described, creation of such a ceterms:CredentialingAction should be reserved to the agent of that action.
Renew Action ceterms:RenewAction
Action by an agent renewing an existing credential assertion.
Since an instance of ceterms:CredentialingAction is a claim that a certain agent has taken the action being described, creation of such a ceterms:CredentialingAction should be reserved to the agent of that action.
Revoke Action ceterms:RevokeAction
Action by an agent removing an awarded credential (credential assertion) from the credential holder based on violations or failure of the holder to renew.
Since an instance of ceterms:CredentialingAction is a claim that a certain agent has taken the action being described, creation of such a ceterms:CredentialingAction should be reserved to the agent of that action.
Rights Action ceterms:RightsAction
Action asserting legal rights by an agent to possess, defend, transfer, license, and grant conditional access to a credential, learning opportunity, or assessment.
Since an instance of ceterms:CredentialingAction is a claim that a certain agent has taken the action being described, creation of such a ceterms:CredentialingAction should be reserved to the agent of that action.
Workforce Demand Action ceterms:WorkforceDemandAction
Action taken by an agent asserting that the resource being described has a workforce demand level worthy of note.

Learning Opportunity Profile

Learning Opportunity Profile ceterms:LearningOpportunityProfile
Entity describing an educational or training opportunity.
Opportunities include formal and informal educational training programs and classes, apprenticeship or work experience programs, or other structured or unstructured experiences that serve as educational or training activities.
Course ceterms:Course
Single structured sequence of one or more educational activities that aims to develop a prescribed set of competencies of learners.
Course is distinct from Program, which aggregates several courses.
Learning Program ceterms:LearningProgram
Set of learning opportunities that leads to an outcome, usually a credential like a degree or certificate.

Pathway Component

Pathway Component ceterms:PathwayComponent
Resource that serves as a defined point along the route of a Pathway which describes an objective and its completion requirements through reference to one or more instances of ComponentCondition.
An instance of PathwayComponent may serve as the goal or destination node of a Pathway.
PathwayComponent is a super-type that represents a family of more precise sub-types. In pathway descriptions, always use the sub-type of PathwayComponent appropriate to your circumstances, e.g., AssessmentComponent, CocurricularComponent, CompetencyComponent, CourseComponent, CredentialComponent, ExtracurricularComponent, JobComponent, and WorkExperienceComponent. Use BasicComponent for types of entities not covered by the current set of sub-types.
Assessment Component ceterms:AssessmentComponent
Resource that identifies a direct, indirect, formative, and summative evaluation or estimation of the nature, ability, or quality of a resource, performance, or outcome of an action.
Instances act as proxies or stand-ins for other resources in the context of a particular pathway so that relationships between them as components of that pathway can be stated without implying that the those relationships are true of the resources in other contexts.
Basic Component ceterms:BasicComponent
Resource that identifies a resource not otherwise covered by the enumerated PathwayComponent subclasses.
Instances act as proxies or stand-ins for other resources in the context of a particular pathway so that relationships between them as components of that pathway can be stated without implying that the those relationships are true of the resources in other contexts.
Cocurricular Component ceterms:CocurricularComponent
Resource that identifies an activity, program, or informal learning experience such as a civic or service activity that supplements and complements the curriculum.
Instances act as proxies or stand-ins for other resources in the context of a particular pathway so that relationships between them as components of that pathway can be stated without implying that the those relationships are true of the resources in other contexts.
Competency Component ceterms:CompetencyComponent
Resource that identifies a measurable or observable knowledge, skill, or ability necessary to successful performance of a person in a given context.
Competency is broadly defined to include assertions of academic, professional, occupational, vocational and life goals, outcomes, and standards, however labeled. Instances act as proxies or stand-ins for other resources in the context of a particular pathway so that relationships between them as components of that pathway can be stated without implying that the those relationships are true of the resources in other contexts.
Course Component ceterms:CourseComponent
Resource that identifies a structured sequence of one or more learning activities that aims to develop a prescribed set of knowledge, skill, or ability of learners.
Instances act as proxies or stand-ins for other resources in the context of a particular pathway so that relationships between them as components of that pathway can be stated without implying that the those relationships are true of the resources in other contexts.
Credential Component ceterms:CredentialComponent
Resource that identifies another resource that describes qualification, achievement, personal or organizational quality, or aspect of an identity typically used to indicate suitability.
The ceterms:Credential class is broadly defined to encompass credentials used across domains and communities of practice. Subclasses of ceterms:Credential as defined by Credential Engine (or other communities) should be referenced. Instances act as proxies or stand-ins for other resources in the context of a particular pathway so that relationships between them as components of that pathway can be stated without implying that the those relationships are true of the resources in other contexts.
Extracurricular Component ceterms:ExtracurricularComponent
Resource that identifies an activity, program, or informal learning experience that may be offered or provided by a school, college, or other organization that is not connected to a curriculum.
Instances act as proxies or stand-ins for other resources in the context of a particular pathway so that relationships between them as components of that pathway can be stated without implying that the those relationships are true of the resources in other contexts.
Job Component ceterms:JobComponent
Resource that identifies a work position, employment, or occupation.
Instances act as proxies or stand-ins for other resources in the context of a particular pathway so that relationships between them as components of that pathway can be stated without implying that the those relationships are true of the resources in other contexts.
Work Experience Component ceterms:WorkExperienceComponent
Resource describing an activity or training through which a person gains job experience.
Instances act as proxies or stand-ins for other resources in the context of a particular pathway so that relationships between them as components of that pathway can be stated without implying that the those relationships are true of the resources in other contexts.

Quantitative Value

Quantitative Value schema:QuantitativeValue
A point value or interval for product characteristics and other purposes.
Use in CTDL to describe quantitative values such as minimum and maximum credits or credit hours, etc.
Value Profile ceterms:ValueProfile
A description of value awarded for, required by, or otherwise related to the resource.

CTDL Classes without Subclasses

This section lists CTDL Subclasses which are not Subclasses of other CTDL Subclasses, and which do not have CTDL Subclasses of their own.

Alignment Map ceterms:AlignmentMap
An entity comprised of a set of alignment or mapping assertions between two existing entities such as mapping a certificate providing advanced standing to a degree.
Alignment maps provide the means for parties to assert sets of alignments between already existing entities created by themselves or other parties--e.g., a 3rd party mapping of a learning resource owned by one party to a credential owned by another; or, mapping a military occupational experience or Military Occupational Specialty (MOS code) as advanced standing to a course or credential.
Assessment ceterms:Assessment
Direct, indirect, formative, and summative evaluation or estimation of the nature, ability, or quality of an entity, performance, or outcome of an action.
Assessment Profile ceterms:AssessmentProfile
Entity that describes the key characteristics of an assessment for a credential.
Characteristics described include, but are not limited to, processes for assessment development, maintenance, selection and evaluation as well as assessment examples.
The ceterms:AssessmentProfile is intended for use in describing stand-alone assessments. Assessments that are a part of a learning opportunity associated with a credential should be described as part the ceterms:LearningOpportunityProfile for that learning opportunity.
Collection Component ceterms:CollectionComponent
Resource that is a proxy for the entities contained in or referenced by an external Collection, Framework, or other such list, or for the list itself.
Completion or satisfaction of this Component entails completion or satisfaction of all members of the referenced list, unless otherwise indicated by Constraints or other relevant information.
Collection Member ceterms:CollectionMember
Provides information about the membership of a resource in a Collection.
Instances act as proxies or stand-ins for other resources in the context of a particular collection so that the relationships between them and the collection can be stated without implying that those relationships are true in other contexts.
The data recorded for a Collection Member should refer to the membership of the resource in a Collection.
Component Condition ceterms:ComponentCondition
Resource that describes what must be done to complete a PathwayComponent, or part thereof, as determined by the issuer of the Pathway.
A ComponentCondition references a single RuleSet defining appropriate values fulfilling the condition.
Condition Manifest ceterms:ConditionManifest
Set of constraints, prerequisites, entry conditions, or requirements maintained at the organizational and/or sub-organizational level.
These conditions are intended to be referenced by external entities such as individual credentials in order to facilitate the process of their description and to reduce unnecessary duplication of data applicable across an array of entities.
Condition Profile ceterms:ConditionProfile
Entity describing a constraint, prerequisite, entry condition, or requirement.
Constraints exist with credentials, learning opportunities, assessments and other entites to which they are subject during their lifecycles.
Constraint ceterms:Constraint
Resource that identifies the parameters defining a limitation or restriction applicable to candidate pathway components.
Constraint Rule ceterms:ConstraintRule
Abstract class of executable constraints.
An instance of the Constraint Rule class is a deployable machine solution for executing pathway constraints using specifications such as XPath, JSONPath, JsonLogic, ShEx, SHACL, BPMN, XPDL and BPEL.
Cost Manifest ceterms:CostManifest
Entity that describes a set of costs maintained at, and applicable across the organizational and/or sub-organizational level.
Instances of these ceterms:CostManifest entities are intended to be referenced by other entities to augment the process of describing their costs.
Cost Profile ceterms:CostProfile
Entity that describes direct costs one would incur if one were to pursue a credential, assessment, learning opportunity, or aspects thereof.
Credential Alignment Object ceterms:CredentialAlignmentObject
Entity describing an affiliation or association between an entity such as a credential, learning opportunity or assessment and another entity in a structured framework such as a concept scheme, enumerated list, or competency framework.
Credential Assertion ceterms:CredentialAssertion
Representation of a credential awarded to a person.
Duration Profile ceterms:DurationProfile
Entity describing the temporal aspects of a resource.
Temporal aspects include exact, minimum, and maximum timeframes of an activity.
Financial Assistance Profile ceterms:FinancialAssistanceProfile
Entity that describes financial assistance that is offered or available.
Geographic Coordinates ceterms:GeoCoordinates
Geographic coordinates of a place or event including latitude and longitude as well as other locational information.
Identifier Value ceterms:IdentifierValue
Means of identifying a resource, typically consisting of an alphanumeric token and a context or scheme from which that token originates.
Where a formal identification system exists for the identifier, recommended best practice is to use a string conforming to that system.
Industry ceterms:Industry
Broad category of economic activities encompassing various sectors.
Job ceterms:Job
Set of responsibilities based on work roles within an occupation as defined by an employer.
Job describes an abstraction or template that specific job postings or openings could be instances of.
Jurisdiction Profile ceterms:JurisdictionProfile
Geo-political information about applicable geographic areas and their exceptions.
Learning Opportunity ceterms:LearningOpportunity
Structured and unstructured learning and development opportunities based in direct experience, formal and informal study, observation, and involvement in discourse and practice.
Examples of learning opportunities include education and training programs and classes, courses of study, apprenticeship or work experience programs, or other structured experiences intended to serve as educational or training events.
Classes of learning opportunities defined in other namespaces such as schema.org/Course may be declared as equivaleny or subclasses of ceterms:LearningOpportunity to support their discovery through applications processing CTDL data.
Learning Resource ceterms:LearningResource
Entity that is used as part of an learning activity (e.g. a textbook) or that describes (e.g. a lesson plan) or records the educational activity (e.g. an audio- or video-recording of a lesson).
Multi Component ceterms:MultiComponent
Resource that is a proxy for multiple entities.
Completion or satisfaction of this Component entails completion or satisfaction of all entities for which this Component is a proxy, unless otherwise indicated by Constraints or other relevant information.
Occupation ceterms:Occupation
Profession, trade, or career field that may involve training and/or a formal qualification.
Pathway ceterms:Pathway
Resource composed of a structured set of PathwayComponents defining points along a route to fulfillment of a goal or objective.
Place ceterms:Place
Entity describing a physical location or geospatial area.
Process Profile ceterms:ProcessProfile
Entity describing the type, nature, and other relevant information about a process related to a credential.
Revocation Profile ceterms:RevocationProfile
Entity describing conditions and methods by which a credential can be removed from a holder.
Scheduled Offering ceterms:ScheduledOffering
Offering of a Learning Opportunity or Assessment with a schedule associated with a specified location or modality.
Provides data specific to a given scheduled offering; the Learning Opportunity (including Course and Learning Program) or Assessment being offered provides all data that is shared between different offerings.
Rather than repeating data, only use this class if the data differs from the data provided by the resource for which this is an offer.
Support Service ceterms:SupportService
Resources and assistance that help people overcome barriers to succeed in their education and career goals.
Support services can be provided at any stage of an individual's education or career, and may be targeted towards people with or without direct affiliation with an organization. The goal of support services is to provide people with the assistance they need to achieve their full potential. Examples of Support Services include career advice, job placement, childcare, transportation, tools, mentorship, counseling, and other forms of aid.
Task ceterms:Task
Specific activity, typically related to performing a function or achieving a goal.
Transfer Intermediary ceterms:TransferIntermediary
Surrogate resource to which other resources are mapped in order to indicate their common transferability.
Used when multiple resources such as courses are grouped together to indicate they have mutually agreed upon transfer value.
Transfer Value Profile ceterms:TransferValueProfile
Description of transfer value of a resource.
Verification Service Profile ceterms:VerificationServiceProfile
Entity describing the means by which someone can verify whether a credential has been attained.
Includes, but is not limited to, verification of whether quality assurance credentials have been issued for organizations, learning opportunities, and assessments.
Work Role ceterms:WorkRole
Collection of tasks and competencies that embody a particular function in one or more jobs.

CTDL Properties

The following terms are Properties in the CTDL schema, listed alphabetically and grouped by their Property/Subproperty hierarchies.

CTDL Properties with Subproperties

This section lists CTDL Properties with their Subproperties.

Aggregate Data

Aggregate Data ceterms:aggregateData
Statistical information about the resource.
Earnings ceterms:earnings
Entity describing aggregate credential holder earnings data.
The use of ceterms:aggregateData instead of this property is strongly recommended.
Employment Outcome ceterms:employmentOutcome
Entity describing aggregate data on jobs obtained with the credential by occupation and industry for a given period of time in a specific region.
The use of ceterms:aggregateData instead of this property is strongly recommended.
Holders ceterms:holders
Entity describing the number and characteristics of credentialed individuals and their geographic location.
The use of ceterms:aggregateData instead of this property is strongly recommended.

Credential Identifier

Credential Identifier ceterms:credentialId
Globally unique identifier by which the creator, owner or provider of a credential recognizes that credential in transactions with the external environment (e.g., in verifiable claims involving the credential).
The identifier may take the form of a URN, UUID, ARK, DOI, INFO or any other publicly recognized, globally unique identifier scheme.
Best practice for descriptions intended for the Credential Engine Registry is to use the ceterms:ctid property for this purpose; ceterms:ctid is declared as a subproperty of ceterms:credentialId.
CTID ceterms:ctid
Globally unique Credential Transparency Identifier (CTID) by which the creator, owner or provider of a resource recognizes it in transactions with the external environment (e.g., in verifiable claims involving the resource).
The CTID is the equivalent of a version identifier for the resource. Different versions of a resource are considered distinct expressions and each must be assigned its own CTID. Each version of a resource can have only one CTID assigned. However, a single version of a resource may have distinct identifier values for both the ctid property and the credentialId property. In such a case both identifiers will be recognized by the resource creator/owner/provider in transactions with the external environment.

Delivery Type

Delivery Type ceterms:deliveryType
Type of means by which a learning opportunity or assessment is delivered to credential seekers and by which they interact; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
Best practice is to use concepts from a controlled vocabulary such as the ceterms:DeliveryType vocabulary.
Assessment Delivery Type ceterms:assessmentDeliveryType
Delivery type for the assessment for the credential.
Indicates the delivery type for the assessment for the credential.
Learning Delivery Type ceterms:learningDeliveryType
Delivery type for the learning opportunity for the credential.
Indicates the delivery type for the learning opportunity for the credential.


Description ceterms:description
Statement, characterization or account of the entity.
Condition ceterms:condition
Single constraint, prerequisite, entry condition, requirement, or cost.

Is Similar To

Is Similar To ceterms:isSimilarTo
Another functionally similar entity.
The property is generally applicable in describing the similarity between any two entities.
Broad Alignment ceterms:broadAlignment
Item that covers all of the relevant concepts in the item being described as well as additional relevant concepts.
Exact Alignment ceterms:exactAlignment
Relevant concepts in two entities being compared are coextensive.
Major Alignment ceterms:majorAlignment
Major overlap of relevant concepts between the two resources being compared.
Minor Alignment ceterms:minorAlignment
Minor overlap of relevant concepts between the two credentials being compared.
Narrow Alignment ceterms:narrowAlignment
Credential covers all of the relevant concepts in another credential as well as relevant concepts not found in the other credential.

Life Cycle Status Type

Life Cycle Status Type ceterms:lifeCycleStatusType
Type of state of the resource in terms of its stage in a life cycle; select from an enumeration of such types.
Credential Status Type ceterms:credentialStatusType
Type of official status of the credential; select from an enumeration of such types.
Best practice for developing credential descriptions for the Credential Engine Registry is to use the ceterms:CredentialStatus vocabulary.

Maximum Duration

Maximum Duration ceterms:maximumDuration
Maximum overall span of time it will take to complete the activity, event, or resource.
This is intended to indicate overall time span, regardless of what portion of that time is spent actively pursuing the completion of the activity, event, or resource.
If a resource takes 50 hours over a span of 3-9 months to complete, use this to record 9 months as P9M. Do not use ceterms:maximumDuration to identify the renewal frequency of a credential; use ceterms:renewalFrequency instead.
Renewal Frequency ceterms:renewalFrequency
Frequency with which the credential needs to be renewed.

Related Action

Related Action ceterms:relatedAction
Action related to the resource.
Has Workforce Demand ceterms:hasWorkforceDemand
Indicates the level of demand for a resource via a demand level action.
In Demand Action ceterms:inDemandAction
Assertion by an agent that this resource has a specific workforce demand level.


Requires ceterms:requires
Requirement or set of requirements for this resource.
Consider using the more specific subproperties of requires such as prerequisite, coPrerequisite, entryCondition, and corequisite, where appropriate.
Co-Prerequisite ceterms:coPrerequisite
Resource that must be completed prior to, or pursued at the same time as, this resource.
Corequisite ceterms:corequisite
Resources that must be pursued concurrently.
Includes dual (double) degrees that cannot be earned independently of each other.
Entry Condition ceterms:entryCondition
Requirements for entry into a credentialing program, a learning opportunity, or an assessment, including credentials, transcripts, records of previous experience, or other forms of entry documentation.
For Courses required to be taken before entry into another Course, use prerequisite.
Prerequisite ceterms:prerequisite
Course that is required as a prior condition to this course.
Conditions of entry into Programs can be specified with entryCondition; requirements for Courses other than prerequisite Courses (e.g., Competencies) can be specified with requires.


Result ceterms:result
Outcome produced in the action.
Resulting Award ceterms:resultingAward
Awarded credential resulting from an action.
An awarded credential is of the type ceterms:CredentialAssertion.

Spatial Coverage

Spatial Coverage ceterms:spatialCoverage
Spatial coverage of an entity indicates the place(s) to which its content applies or in which it occurres.
In the CTDL, the ceterms:spatialCoverage property serves as a super-property for an array of sub-properties defining location-dependent or area-dependent aspects of a resource.
Available At ceterms:availableAt
Physical location where the credential, assessment, or learning opportunity can be pursued.
Jurisdiction Exception ceterms:jurisdictionException
Geographic or political region in which the credential is not formally recognized or an organization has no authority to act .
The ceterms:jurisdictionalException property is used in conjunction with the ceterms:jurisdiction property and expresses any exceptions to a more general statement; e.g., the United states except for Colorado.
Main Jurisdiction ceterms:mainJurisdiction
Primary geographic or political region in which the credential is recognized as applicable or in which an organization has recognized authority to act.
Region ceterms:region
Entity that describes the longitude, latitude and other location details of an area.


Sub-Organization ceterms:subOrganization
Organization in a subordinate or lower position than a parent organization.
Department ceterms:department
Department of the organization.

Target Competency

Target Competency ceterms:targetCompetency
A competency relevant to the resource being described.
Assesses ceterms:assesses
Competency evaluated through the assessment.
Teaches ceterms:teaches
Competency that the learning opportunity is intended to teach.

Temporal Coverage

Temporal Coverage ceterms:temporalCoverage
Indicates the time period to which the entity's content applies or during which it occurres.
In the CTDL, the ceterms:temporalCoverage property serves as a super-property for an array of sub-properties defining time-dependent aspects of a resource.
Alignment Date ceterms:alignmentDate
The date the alignment was made.
Date Effective ceterms:dateEffective
Effective date of this resource's content.
End Date ceterms:endDate
Date some event or activity ends.
End Time ceterms:endTime
Time some event or activity ends.
Founding Date ceterms:foundingDate
Date the organization was founded.
Start Date ceterms:startDate
Date the validity or usefulness of the information in this resource begins.
Start Time ceterms:startTime
Start time of an event or activity.

CTDL Properties without Subproperties

This section lists CTDL Subproperties which are not Subproperties of other CTDL Subproperties, and which do not have CTDL Subproperties of their own.

Ability Embodied ceasn:abilityEmbodied
Enduring attributes of the individual that influence performance are embodied either directly or indirectly in this resource.
The abilityEmbodied property may referenced a defined ability in an ontology such as O*NET or an existing competency defined in a competency framework.
Comment ceasn:comment
Supplemental text provided by the promulgating body that clarifies the nature, scope or use of this resource.
Use this property when the text provides useful context for this resource.
Has Child ceasn:hasChild
The referenced resource is lower in some arbitrary hierarchy than this resource.
This property identifies a child node in the downward path in the chain of resources in a taxon path.
Is Child Of ceasn:isChildOf
The referenced resource is higher in some arbitrary hierarchy than this resource.
Knowledge Embodied ceasn:knowledgeEmbodied
Body of information embodied either directly or indirectly in this resource.
List ID ceasn:listID
An alphanumeric string indicating the relative position of a resource in an ordered list of resources such as "A", "B", or "a", "b", or "I", "II", or "1", "2".
Punctuation accompanying alphanumeric strings should not be included.
Skill Embodied ceasn:skillEmbodied
Ability to apply knowledge and use know-how to complete tasks and solve problems including types or categories of developed proficiency or dexterity in mental operations and physical processes is embodied either directly or indirectly in this resource.
The skillEmbodied property may reference a defined skill in an ontology such as O*NET or an existing competency defined in a competency framework.
Accommodation Type ceterms:accommodationType
Type of modification to facilitate equal access for people to a physical location, resource, or service.
Accredited By ceterms:accreditedBy
Quality assurance organization that provides official authorization to, or approval of, a credential, organization, assessment, or learning opportunity.
Accredited In ceterms:accreditedIn
Region or political jurisdiction such as a state, province or locale in which the credential, learning opportunity or assessment is accredited.
Accredits ceterms:accredits
Credential, assessment, organization, or learning opportunity for which this organization provides official authorization or approval based on prescribed standards or criteria.
Accredits includes the ongoing monitoring to confirm continued conformance to standards to maintain accreditation.
Acting Agent ceterms:actingAgent
Organization or person performing an action.
Action Status Type ceterms:actionStatusType
Entity describing the current disposition or standing of an action; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
Address ceterms:address
Particulars describing the location of the place.
Address Country ceterms:addressCountry
Nation with its own government and occupying a particular territory identified by the two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
Address Locality ceterms:addressLocality
Town, city, or village in which a particular location is situtated.
Address Region ceterms:addressRegion
State or province in which a particular location is situated.
Administration Process ceterms:administrationProcess
Description of a process by which a resource is administered.
Processes described include the execution of events and the development of resources in the lifecycle of a credential or organization, such as the process for the proctoring of assessments.
For assessments and rubrics, this can be used to indicate the scoring algorithm.
Advanced Standing From ceterms:advancedStandingFrom
Credential that has its time or cost reduced by another credential, assessment or learning opportunity.
Affiliated Agent ceterms:affiliatedAgent
Organization or person that plays some role in assigning, performing, assisting with, facilitating, approving of, or otherwise being involved with the task being described.
Affiliation ceterms:affiliation
Organization to which a person is formally related through work, sudy, or social engagement.
Agent Purpose ceterms:agentPurpose
Organization's primary purpose as found on an "about" page of a website.
Agent Purpose Description ceterms:agentPurposeDescription
Short, key phrases describing the primary purpose of an organization as might be derived from the "about" page of it's website.
Agent Sector Type ceterms:agentSectorType
Type of sociological, economic, or political subdivision served by an organization; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
Recommended best practice for credentials in the Credential Engine Registry is to use concepts from the ceterms:AgentSector vocabulary.
Agent Type ceterms:agentType
Type of organization such as educational institution, credentialing organization or quality assurance body; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
Best practice for developing credential descriptions for the Credential Engine Registry is to use the ceterms:OrganizationType vocabulary.
Alignment Type ceterms:alignmentType
Type of relationship between two entities.
In CTDL, the alignment type value is definitively identified by the property for which the AlignmentObject is the rdfs:range; therefore, use of this property is generally redundant.
Alternate Name ceterms:alternateName
Alias for the entity including acronyms, alpha-numeric notations, and other forms of name abbreviations in common use such as PhD, MA, and BA.
Alternative Condition ceterms:alternativeCondition
Constraints, prerequisites, entry conditions, or requirements in a context where more than one alternative condition or path has been defined and from which any one path fulfills the parent condition.
A set of alternative conditions are not necessarily mutually exclusive paths; for example, a set of alternative concentrations for a degree may allow a person to optionally complete more than one concentration even though only one is required to earn the degree.
Appeal Process ceterms:appealProcess
Description of a formal process for objecting to decisions of an organization.
Approved By ceterms:approvedBy
Organization that pronounces favorable judgment for this credential, assessment, learning opportunity, or organization.
Approved In ceterms:approvedIn
Region or political jurisdiction such as a state, province or locale in which an organization pronounces favorable judgment for this credential, assessment, learning opportunity, or organization.
Approves ceterms:approves
Credential, assessment, learning opportunity, or organization for which this organization pronounces favorable judgment.
Asserted By ceterms:assertedBy
Agent making a statement based on fact or belief.
Assessment Example ceterms:assessmentExample
Example assessment or assessment item.
Assessment Example Description ceterms:assessmentExampleDescription
Text of an example assessment or assessment item.
Assessment Method Description ceterms:assessmentMethodDescription
Description of the methods used to conduct assessment.
Assessment Method Type ceterms:assessmentMethodType
Type of method used to conduct an assessment; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
Best practice for developing credential descriptions for the Credential Engine Registry is to use the ceterms:AssessmentMethod vocabulary.
Assessment Output ceterms:assessmentOutput
Description of the assessment artifact, performance or examination.
Assessment Use Type ceterms:assessmentUseType
Type of intended use of the assessment; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
Best practice for developing credential descriptions for the Credential Engine Registry is to use the ceterms:AssessmentUse vocabulary.
Audience Level Type ceterms:audienceLevelType
Type of level indicating a point in a progression through an educational or training context, for which the resource is intended; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
Best practice is to use terms from the CTDL Audience Level vocabulary.
Audience Type ceterms:audienceType
The type of audience for which the resource is applicable, intended, or useful; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
Best practice for developing credential descriptions for the Credential Engine Registry is to use the ceterms:Audience vocabulary.
Availability Listing ceterms:availabilityListing
Listing of online and/or physical locations where a resource can be found or pursued.
Available Online At ceterms:availableOnlineAt
Online location where the credential, assessment, or learning opportunity can be pursued.
Classification ceterms:classification
Category or classification of this resource.
Where a more specific property exists, such as ceterms:naics, ceterms:isicV4, ceterms:credentialType, etc., use that property instead of this one.
Coded Notation ceterms:codedNotation
Set of alpha-numeric symbols as defined by the body responsible for this resource that uniquely identifies this resource and supports its discovery and use.
Examples include the alpha-numeric code "CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSA.CED.A.2" identifying a node in the U.S. Common Core State Standards on creating equations in algebra, or, the code "8021" in the U.S. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) for identifying the occupational context for "Offices and Clinics of Dentists".
For identifiers that come from a recognized identification scheme use the specific property for that identifier type, such as ceterms:opeID, ceterms:ncesID, ceterms:leiCode, etc., or use ceterms:identifier so that the identification schema can be named.
Collection Type ceterms:collectionType
Type of collection, list, array, or other grouping of resources; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
Common Conditions ceterms:commonConditions
Set constraints, prerequisites, entry conditions, or requirements that are shared across an organization, organizational subdivision, set of credentials, or category of entities and activities.
Common Costs ceterms:commonCosts
Set of costs maintained at an organizational or sub-organizational level, which apply to this credential, assessment, or learning opportunity.
Comparator ceterms:comparator
Type of symbol that denotes an operator in a constraint expression such as "GTEQ" (greater than or equal to), "EQ" (equal to), "LT" (less than); select from an existing enumeration of such types.
Complaint Process ceterms:complaintProcess
Description of a process for handling complaints about a resource or related resources.
Component Category ceterms:componentCategory
Identifies the type of PathwayComponent subclass not explicitly covered in the current array of PathwayComponent subclasses.
Component Designation ceterms:componentDesignation
Label identifying the category to further distinguish one component from another as designated by the promulgating body.
Examples may include "Required", "Core", "General Education", "Elective", etc.
Condition Manifest Of ceterms:conditionManifestOf
Organization maintaining the condition manifest.
Contact Type ceterms:contactType
Text identifying the type of service provided by an organizational contact.
A person or organization may have different contact points for different services. The contact type property provides for adding text to identity the service; e.g., "toll-free number" or "support for hearing-impaired callers".
Copyright Holder ceterms:copyrightHolder
Person or organization holding the rights in copyright to entities such as credentials, learning opportunities, assessments, competencies or concept schemes.
Cost Details ceterms:costDetails
Webpage or online document containing human-readable, in-depth information about costs.
Cost Manifest Of ceterms:costManifestOf
Organization maintaining the cost manifest.
Credentialing Action ceterms:credentialingAction
Indicates a past or potential credentialing action in which the resource being described plays an 'object' role.
Credential Type ceterms:credentialType
Type of credential such as badge, certification, bachelor degree.
A general property for use where a resource needs to identify a specific sub-class of the ceterms:Credential type.
Credit Level Type ceterms:creditLevelType
The level of credit associated with the credit awarded or required.
Credit Unit Type ceterms:creditUnitType
The type of credit associated with the credit awarded or required.
Credit Unit Type Description ceterms:creditUnitTypeDescription
Detailed description of credit unit type.
Credit Value ceterms:creditValue
A credit-related value.
Currency ceterms:currency
Currency in which the monetary amount is expressed in 3-letter ISO 4217 format such as "USD".
Degree Concentration ceterms:degreeConcentration
Focused plan of study within a college or university degree such as a concentration in Aerospace Engineering within an Engineering degree.
Where possible, values should be taken from published frameworks defining degree majors, minors, and concentrations such as the U.S. National Center for Education Statistics' (NCES) Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP).
Degree Major ceterms:degreeMajor
Primary field of study of a degree-seeking student.
Where possible, values should be taken from published frameworks defining degree majors, minors, and concentrations such as the U.S. National Center for Education Statistics' (NCES) Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP).
Degree Minor ceterms:degreeMinor
Optional, secondary field of study of a degree-seeking student.
Where possible, values should be taken from published frameworks defining degree majors, minors, and concentrations such as the U.S. National Center for Education Statistics' (NCES) Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP).
Delivery Type Description ceterms:deliveryTypeDescription
Detailed description of the delivery type of an assessment or learning opportunity.
Demographic Information ceterms:demographicInformation
Aggregate data or summaries of statistical data relating to the population of credential holders including data about gender, geopolitical regions, age, education levels, and other categories of interest.
Development Process ceterms:developmentProcess
Description of a process by which a resource was created.
Direct Cost Type ceterms:directCostType
Types of direct costs associated with earning or completing a credential, assessment or learning opportunity; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
Best practice for developing credential descriptions for the Credential Engine Registry is to use the ceterms:CostType vocabulary.
DUNS ceterms:duns
Dun & Bradstreet DUNS number for identifying an organization or business person.
Email ceterms:email
Email address of the organization or person.
Employee ceterms:employee
Person employed for wages or salary by the organization.
Environmental Hazard Type ceterms:environmentalHazardType
Type of condition in the physical work performance environment that entails risk exposures requiring mitigating processes; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
Such types may include exposure to bloodborne pathogens, airborne communicable diseases and dangerous chemicals, battlefield conditions, fire fighting, law enforcement, and so on.
Estimated Cost ceterms:estimatedCost
Estimated cost of a credential, learning opportunity or assessment.
Estimated Duration ceterms:estimatedDuration
Estimated time it will take to complete an activity, event, or resource.
Evidence of Action ceterms:evidenceOfAction
Entity that proves that the action occurred or that the action continues to be valid.
The evidence verifies the information in the action and is particular to it. It is not a collection relating to several unrelated actions or a description of how such verifications might generically be characterized. It may comprise more than one evidentiary entity relating to the same action.
Exact Duration ceterms:exactDuration
Overall span of time it will take to complete the activity, event, or resource.
This is intended to indicate overall time span, regardless of what portion of that time is spent actively pursuing the completion of the activity, event, or resource.
If a resource takes 50 hours over a span of 6 months to complete, use this to record 6 months as P6M.
Experience ceterms:experience
Amount and nature of required work, experiential learning or other relevant experience.
Expiration Date ceterms:expirationDate
Date beyond which the resource is no longer offered or available.
Previously earned, completed, or attained resources may still be valid even if they are no longer offered.
External Input Type ceterms:externalInputType
Types of external stakeholders that provide input to an entity's processes or resources; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
Best practice for developing credential descriptions for the Credential Engine Registry is to use the ceterms:ExternalInput vocabulary.
External Research ceterms:externalResearch
Research that supports or validates one or more aspects of the entity.
Family Name ceterms:familyName
Family name such as the last name of a person in the U.S..
The ceterms:familyName property can be used along with givenName instead of the ceterms:name property.
Fax Number ceterms:faxNumber
Fax number.
FEIN ceterms:fein
Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) identifying organizations, persons, states, government agencies, corporations, and companies.
Financial Assistance ceterms:financialAssistance
Entity that describes financial assistance for which this credential, assessment, or learning opportunity qualifies.
Whether the financial aid in question is associated with a credential, an assessment, or a learning opportunity is dependent on context.
Financial Assistance Type ceterms:financialAssistanceType
Type of financial assistance; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
Financial Assistance Value ceterms:financialAssistanceValue
Description of the amount of financial assistance available.
Framework URL ceterms:framework
Credential framework to which the entity is aligned.
Frameworks may include, but are not limited to, competency frameworks and concept schemes such as industry, occupation, and instructional program codes.
Framework Name ceterms:frameworkName
Name of the framework.
Geographic URI ceterms:geoURI
Entity that describes the longitude, latitude and other location details of a place.
This may define a place at any scale. Examples include a city, state, province, country, or continent.
It is recommended to use services such as http://www.geonames.org to provide values for this property.
Given Name ceterms:givenName
First name of a person.
Family name can be used along with familyName instead of the name property.
Global Jurisdiction ceterms:globalJurisdiction
Whether or not the credential is useful, applicable or recognized everywhere.
Exceptions indicated by the ceterms:jurisdictionException property apply.
Has Alignment Map ceterms:hasAlignmentMap
Alignment map owned by the agent.
Has Catalog ceterms:hasCatalog
An inventory or listing of resources maintained by this Organization
Has Condition ceterms:hasCondition
Resource referenced defines a condition by which this resource is satisfied in full or in part.
Has Condition Manifest ceterms:hasConditionManifest
Entity that describes a set of constraints, prerequisites, entry conditions, or requirements applicable across the organization, sub-organization or sets of credentials or acitivites.
Has Constraint ceterms:hasConstraint
Referenced resource defines a single constraint.
Has Cost Manifest ceterms:hasCostManifest
Entity that describes a set of cost data applicable across the organization, sub-organization or sets of credentials or acitivites.
Has Destination Component ceterms:hasDestinationComponent
Goal or destination node of the pathway.
Has Group Evaluation ceterms:hasGroupEvaluation
Whether or not the assessment activity is scored as a group.
Has Group Participation ceterms:hasGroupParticipation
Whether or not two or more participants are required to complete the assessment activity.
Has Job ceterms:hasJob
Job related to this resource.
Has Member ceterms:hasMember
Resource in a Collection.
Has Occupation ceterms:hasOccupation
Occupation related to this resource.
Has Offering ceterms:hasOffering
Indicates an offering and typical schedule.
Only use this property when it is necessary and useful to provide data about specific offerings of a learning opportunity or assessment, such as particular combinations of schedule, location, and delivery.
Has Part ceterms:hasPart
Indicates a separately identifiable and independently useful component of the entity.
Such partitive components can frequently be used in more than one context.
Has Pathway ceterms:hasPathway
A pathway related to this resource.
Has Proxy ceterms:hasProxy
Indicates a resource that acts as a stand-in for the resource.
Has Rubric ceterms:hasRubric
Rubric related to this resource.
Has Specialization ceterms:hasSpecialization
More specialized profession, trade, or career field that is encompassed by the one being described.
Has Statement ceterms:hasStatement
Alignment assertion belonging to the alignment map.
Has Support Service ceterms:hasSupportService
Reference to a relevant support service.
Has Task ceterms:hasTask
Task related to this resource.
Has Verification Service ceterms:hasVerificationService
Entity describing available systems provided by the agent to verify credential holders.
Systems in place to verify credential holders and communicate the current credentialing status of all credential holders to employers and other labor market participants, as well as to education and workforce development funders and regulators.
Has Work Role ceterms:hasWorkRole
Work Role related to this resource.
High Earnings ceterms:highEarnings
Upper interquartile earnings.
Holder Must Authorize ceterms:holderMustAuthorize
Whether or not the credential holder must authorize the organization to provide the verification service.
Honorific Suffix ceterms:honorificSuffix
Honorific suffix preceding a person's name such as M.D. , PhD, or MSCSW.
Identifier ceterms:identifier
Alphanumeric token that identifies this resource and information about the token's originating context or scheme.
Where a specific property for the originating context or scheme exists, such as ceterms:opeID, ceterms:ncesID, ceterms:leiCode, etc., use that property instead of this one. Where the identifier has no nameable originating context or scheme other than that of the resource being identified, ceterms:codedNotation may be used.
Identifier Type ceterms:identifierType
Framework, scheme, type, or other organizing principle of this identifier.
Identifier Type Name ceterms:identifierTypeName
Formal name or acronym of the framework, scheme, type, or other organizing principle of this identifier, such as ISBN or ISSN.
Identifier Value Code ceterms:identifierValueCode
Alphanumeric string identifier of the entity.
Where a formal identification system exists for the identifier, recommended best practice is to use a string conforming to that system.
Image ceterms:image
Image, icon or logo that represents the entity including registered trade or service marks.
In Alignment Map ceterms:inAlignmentMap
Alignment map to which the statement belongs.
In Catalog ceterms:inCatalog
An inventory or listing of resources that includes this resource.
Industry Type ceterms:industryType
Type of industry; select from an existing enumeration of such types such as the SIC, NAICS, and ISIC classifications.
Best practice in identifying industries for U.S. resources is to provide the NAICS code using the ceterms:naics property. Other resources may use the ceterms:industrytype property and any framework of the class ceterms:IndustryClassification.
In Language ceterms:inLanguage
The primary language or languages of the entity, even if it makes use of other languages; e.g., a course offered in English to teach Spanish would have an inLanguage of English, while a credential in Quebec could have an inLanguage of both French and English.
Instructional Program Type ceterms:instructionalProgramType
Type of instructional program; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
For U.S. credentials, best practice is to use a framework such as the CIP (Classification of Instructional Programs). Other credentials may use any framework of the class CTDL InstructionalProgramClassification.
Instrument ceterms:instrument
Object that helped the agent perform the action. e.g. John wrote a book with a pen.
A credential or other instrument whose criteria was applied in executing the action.
Intermediary For ceterms:intermediaryFor
Resource for which this resource is an intermediary.
IPEDS ID ceterms:ipedsID
Unique six digit identifier assigned to all U.S. institutions that have submitted data to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS).
Is Advanced Standing For ceterms:isAdvancedStandingFor
This credential, assessment, or learning opportunity reduces the time or cost required to earn or complete the referenced credential, assessment, or learning opportunity.
A third-party credential agent claiming that its credential provides advanced standing for the credential of another credential agent should consider using ceterms:recommendedFor instead of ceterms:advancedStandingFor in the absence of an explicit and verifiable agreement on advanced standing between the agents of the two credentials.
Is Destination Component Of ceterms:isDestinationComponentOf
Pathway for which this resource is the goal or destination.
ISIC Revision 4 Code ceterms:isicV4
The International Standard of Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4 code for a particular organization, business person, or place.
Is Member Of ceterms:isMemberOf
Collection to which this resource belongs.
Is Non-Credit ceterms:isNonCredit
Resource carries or confers no official academic credit according to the provider of the resource.
Is Part Of ceterms:isPartOf
Indicates another entity of which this entity is a component.
Covers partitive notions such as "embedded".
Is Preparation For ceterms:isPreparationFor
This credential, assessment, or learning opportunity provides preparation for the credential, assessment, or learning opportunity being referenced.
Is Proctored ceterms:isProctored
Whether or not the assessment is supervised or monitored by an agent.
Such supervision or proctoring includes: (1) guaranteeing of the identities of the examinees; (2) the conditions of the examination including instructions, time, materials, equipment and completion, and (3) completed without unauthorized assistance.
Is Recommended For ceterms:isRecommendedFor
It is recommended to earn or complete this credential, assessment, or learning opportunity before attempting to earn or complete the referenced credential, assessment, or learning opportunity.
Is Registered Apprenticeship ceterms:isRegisteredApprenticeship
The resource is registered with a governmental agency or other authorized organization because it has been vetted, approved and validated to meet specific criteria.
Is Required For ceterms:isRequiredFor
This credential, assessment, or learning opportunity must be earned or completed prior to attempting to earn or complete the referenced credential, assessment, or learning opportunity.
Is Specialization Of ceterms:isSpecializationOf
Less specialized profession, trade, or career field that encompasses the one being described.
Jobs Obtained ceterms:jobsObtained
Number of jobs obtained in the region during a given timeframe.
Jurisdiction ceterms:jurisdiction
Geographic or political region in which the credential is formally applicable or an organization has authority to act.
Keyword ceterms:keyword
Keyword or key phrase describing relevant aspects of an entity.
Use the keyword property to enter free text keywords. A subject concept in a controlled vocabulary should use the subject property.
Latest Version ceterms:latestVersion
Latest version of the resource.
Latitude ceterms:latitude
Latitude of a location.
For example 37.42242 (WGS 84)
Learning Method Description ceterms:learningMethodDescription
Description of the methods used to conduct learning.
Learning Method Type ceterms:learningMethodType
Types of methods used to conduct the learning opportunity; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
Best practice is to use concepts from a controlled vocabulary such as the ceterms:LearningMethod.
Left Action ceterms:leftAction
Action performed on the left source; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
Left Source ceterms:leftSource
Left hand parameter of a constraint.
A 20-digit, alpha-numeric code, based on the ISO 17442 standard, for identifying legal entities participating in financial transactions.
Logical Operator ceterms:logicalOperator
Type that denotes a logical operation such as "And", "Or", "OnlyOne"; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
Only a single instance of logicalOperator is allowed defining operations on two or more nested ComponentCondition entities, Constraint entities, or a mix of ComponentCondition and Constraint entities.
Longitude ceterms:longitude
The longitude of a location.
For example -122.08585 (WGS 84).
Low Earnings ceterms:lowEarnings
Lower interquartile earnings.
Maintenance Process ceterms:maintenanceProcess
Description of a process by which a resource is maintained, including review and updating.
Such maintenance does not include renewal of a credential by an individual holder.
Median earnings ceterms:medianEarnings
Median earnings.
Membership Condition ceterms:membershipCondition
Conditions and requirements to be included as a member.
Minimum Age ceterms:minimumAge
Minimum allowed age at which a person is eligible for the credential.
Minimum Duration ceterms:minimumDuration
Minimum overall span of time it will take to complete the activity, event, or resource.
This is intended to indicate overall time span, regardless of what portion of that time is spent actively pursuing the completion of the activity, event, or resource.
If a resource takes 50 hours over a span of 3-9 months to complete, use this to record 3 months as P3M.
Mission and Goals Statement ceterms:missionAndGoalsStatement
Webpage or online document that defines or explains the mission and goals of the organization.
Mission and Goals Statement Description ceterms:missionAndGoalsStatementDescription
Textual statement of the mission and goals of the organization.
NAICS ceterms:naics
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code of an organization or business person.
Name ceterms:name
Name or title of the resource.
NCES ID ceterms:ncesID
Identifier comprised of a 12 digit code issued by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) for educational institutions where the first 7 digits are the NCES District ID.
Next Version ceterms:nextVersion
Version of the resource that immediately follows this version.
Number Awarded ceterms:numberAwarded
Number of credentials awarded.
Object ceterms:object
Object upon which the action is carried out, whose state is kept intact or changed.
Object of Action ceterms:objectOfAction
Action carried out upon this resource.
Occupation Type ceterms:occupationType
Type of occupation; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
For U.S. resources, best practice is to identify an occupation using a framework such as the ONet. Other resources may use any framework of the class ceterms:OccupationClassification, such as the EU's ESCO, ISCO-08, and SOC 2010.
Offered By ceterms:offeredBy
Agent that offers the resource.
Offered In ceterms:offeredIn
Region or political jurisdiction such as a state, province or locale where the credential, learning resource or assessment is offered.
Offer Frequency Type ceterms:offerFrequencyType
Type of frequency at which a resource is offered; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
This relates to how often something starts.
For information relating to the frequency of events associated with a resource when it is running, use ceterms:scheduleFrequencyType.
Offers ceterms:offers
Resource offered or conferred by the organization or person.
OPE ID ceterms:opeID
OPE ID number (U.S. Office of Postsecondary Education Identification), sometimes referred to as the Federal School Code.
Identification number used by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE) to identify schools that have Program Participation Agreements (PPA) so that its students are eligible to participate in Federal Student Financial Assistance (FAFSA) programs under Title IV regulations. This is a 6-digit number followed by a 2-digit suffix used to identify branches, additional locations, and other entities that are part of the eligible institution.
Owned By ceterms:ownedBy
Organization or person with an enforceable claim or legal title to the resource.
Agent includes credentialing organizations, quality assurance organizations and persons. It does not not include credential holders.
Owns ceterms:owns
Resource over which the organization or person claims legal title.
Generally, the value of the property should be one of the subclasses of ceterms:Credential or ceterms:Pathway.
Parent Organization ceterms:parentOrganization
Larger organization exercising authority over the organization being described.
Participant ceterms:participant
Co-agents that participated in the action indirectly.
Payment Pattern ceterms:paymentPattern
Applicable pattern for payments such as "per semester" and "every three months".
Performance Level Type ceterms:performanceLevelType
Type of required or expected human performance level; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
Physical Capability Type ceterms:physicalCapabilityType
Type of physical activity required or expected in performance; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
Such types may include fine motor activity, repetitive actions, climbing, kneeling, crawling, lifting heavy objects, and so on.
Point Value ceterms:pointValue
Points associated with this resource, or points possible.
Postal Code ceterms:postalCode
The postal code. For example, 94043.
Post Office Box Number ceterms:postOfficeBoxNumber
Post office box number for post office addresses.
Post Receipt Months ceterms:postReceiptMonths
Number of months after earning a credential when employment and earnings data is collected.
Number of months usually range between 3 months (one quarter) to ten years.
Preceded By ceterms:precededBy
Resource that logically comes before this resource.
Precedes ceterms:precedes
Resource that logically comes after this resource.
The ceterms:precedes property indicates a simple or suggested ordering of resources.
Preparation From ceterms:preparationFrom
Another credential, learning opportunity or assessment that provides preparation for this credential, learning opportunity or assessment.
Previous Version ceterms:previousVersion
Version of the resource that immediately precedes this version.
Price ceterms:price
Offer price of a credential, learning resource, assessment, related activity or resource.
Process Frequency ceterms:processFrequency
Interval of process occurence.
Processing Agent ceterms:processingAgent
Organization or person performing the process.
Process Method ceterms:processMethod
Webpage or online document that describes the process methods.
Process Method Description ceterms:processMethodDescription
Textual description of the process methods.
Process Standards ceterms:processStandards
Webpage or online document that describes the criteria, standards, and/or requirements used with a process.
Process Standards Description ceterms:processStandardsDescription
Textual description of the criteria, standards, and/or requirements used with a process.
Program Term ceterms:programTerm
Categorization of a term sequence based on the normative time between entry into a program of study and its completion such as "1st quarter", "2nd quarter"..."5th quarter".
Provides Transfer Value For ceterms:providesTransferValueFor
This resource provides transfer value for the referenced Transfer Value Profile.
Refer to the referenced Transfer Value Profile for more information. Other resources may be included for the full value.
Proxy For ceterms:proxyFor
Indicates the resource for which a pathway component or similar proxy resource is a stand-in.
The subject for this property will be acting as proxy in a context such as a pathway for the resource that is its object, so that assertions can be made about relationships between things in that context that are not universally true of the resources for which they are proxies.
Quality Assurance Target Type ceterms:qualityAssuranceTargetType
Types of entities that the agent accredits, endorses, approves, or recognizes; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
Receives Transfer Value From ceterms:receivesTransferValueFrom
This resource receives transfer value from the referenced Transfer Value Profile.
Refer to the referenced Transfer Value Profile for more information. Other resources may be included for the full value.
Recognized By ceterms:recognizedBy
Agent that acknowledges the validity of the credential, learning opportunity of assessment.
Recognized In ceterms:recognizedIn
Region or political jurisdiction such as a state, province or locale in which the credential, learning resource, or assessment has been publicly recommended, acknowledged or endorsed.
Recognizes ceterms:recognizes
Resource that the agent recommends, endorses, indicates preference for, or otherwise provides a positive judgment.
The agent being described may or may not use a set of formal recognition criteria.
Recommends ceterms:recommends
Recommended credential, learning opportunity or assessment.
Registered By ceterms:registeredBy
Agent with which the resource is registered because it has been vetted, approved and validated to meet specific criteria.
Regulated By ceterms:regulatedBy
Quality assurance organization that enforces the legal requirements of the credential, learning resource or assessment.
Regulated In ceterms:regulatedIn
Region or political jurisdiction such as a state, province or locale in which the credential, learning opportunity or resource is regulated.
Regulates ceterms:regulates
Credential, learning opportunity, assessment or organization that this quality assurance organization monitors, including enforcement of applicable legal requirements or standards.
Regulation of organizations includes authorization to act or operate.
Renewal ceterms:renewal
Entity describing the constraints, prerequisites, entry conditions, or requirements necessary to maintenance and renewal of an awarded credential.
Generally, renewal applies to certifications and licenses; however, it may occasionally apply to other types of credentials.
Renewed By ceterms:renewedBy
Organization or person that handles the renewal of the credential.
Renewed In ceterms:renewedIn
Region or political jurisdiction such as a state, province or locale in which the credential is renewable.
Renews ceterms:renews
Credential type that has its validity extended by the organization or person.
The value of ceterms:renews should be one of the specific subclasses of ceterms:Credential.
Required Constraints ceterms:requiredConstraints
Number of hasConstraint objects that must be fulfilled in order to satisfy the ComponentCondition.
Required Number ceterms:requiredNumber
Number of targetComponent or hasCondition objects that must be fulfilled in order to satisfy the ComponentCondition.
Residency Type ceterms:residencyType
Type of legal residency status of a person; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
Residency defines the duration of stay required by national, state, provincial or local laws that entitles a person to the legal protection and benefits provided to the applicable type.
Best practice for U.S. credentials and for submission to the Credential Engine Registry, is to use concepts from the ceterms:Residency vocabulary.
Resident Of ceterms:residentOf
Geographic or political region of which a person must be a legal resident or citizen in order to be eligible for the credential.
Residency defines the duration of stay required by national, state, provincial or local laws that entitles a person to the legal protection and benefits provided to the applicable type.
Review Process ceterms:reviewProcess
Description of a process by which a resource is reviewed.
Revocation ceterms:revocation
Entity that describes the processes and criteria for ending (revoking) the validity or operation of an awarded credential.
Generally, revocation applies to certifications and licenses; however, it may also apply to other types of credential under extraordinary circumstances.
Revocation Criteria ceterms:revocationCriteria
Webpage or online document that provides information about the removal criteria for an awarded credential.
Revocation Criteria ceterms:revocationCriteriaDescription
Textual description providing information about the removal criteria for an awarded credential.
Revocation Process ceterms:revocationProcess
Entity describing the process by which the credential is revoked.
Revoked By ceterms:revokedBy
Organization or person that handles revocation of an awarded credential due to violations or failure to renew.
Revoked In ceterms:revokedIn
Region or political jurisdiction such as a state, province or locale in which the credential can be revoked.
Revokes ceterms:revokes
Credential type that can be invalidated or retracted by the awarding agent.
The value of ceterms:revokes should be one of the specific subclasses of ceterms:Credential.
Right Action ceterms:rightAction
Action performed on the right source; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
Right Source ceterms:rightSource
Right hand parameter of a constraint.
Same As ceterms:sameAs
Another source of information about the entity being described.
Other sources may include descriptions of entities in open databases such as DBpedia, Wikidata, the Credential Engine Registry, or other platforms.
SCED ceterms:sced
School Courses for the Exchange of Data code for a course.
It is preferable to record the whole 12 character alphanumeric code, however it is also valid to record just the five digit subject code + course number.
Schedule Frequency Type ceterms:scheduleFrequencyType
Type of frequency indicating the cadence at which events associated with a resource typically occur; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
This relates to the frequency of events associated with a resource once it is running.
For information relating to how often something starts, use ceterms:offerFrequencyType.
Schedule Timing Type ceterms:scheduleTimingType
Type of time at which events typically occur; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
Scoring Method Description ceterms:scoringMethodDescription
Textual description of the method used to score the assessment.
Scoring Method Example ceterms:scoringMethodExample
Webpage or online document providing an example of the method or tool used to score the assessment.
Scoring Method Example Description ceterms:scoringMethodExampleDescription
Textual example of the method or tool used to score the assessment.
Scoring Method Type ceterms:scoringMethodType
Type of method used to score the assessment; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
Best practice for U.S. credentials and for submission to the Credential Engine Registry, is to use concepts from the ceterms:ScoringMethod vocabulary.
Sensory Capability Type ceterms:sensoryCapabilityType
Type of required or expected sensory capability; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
Such types may include smell, color discrimination, depth perception, and so on.
Service Type ceterms:serviceType
Type of service offered by the agent being described; select from an existing enumeration of such terms.
Recommended best practice for credentials in the Credential Engine Registry is to use concepts from the ceterms:AgentServiceType vocabulary.
Social Media ceterms:socialMedia
Social media access point for an agent or an agent's contact point.
Source URL ceterms:source
Authoritative source of an entity's information.
Citation or description of an authoritative source from which information or description has been derived.
Source Data ceterms:sourceData
Structured data representing the resource.
The preferred data serialization is JSON-LD or some other serialization of RDF.
Street Address ceterms:streetAddress
Street address. e.g. "1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy".
Subject ceterms:subject
Words or brief phrases describing the topicality of the entity; select subject terms from an existing enumeration of such terms.
Use the subject property to reference a concept in a controlled vocabulary. Free text subjects should use the keyword property.
Subject Webpage ceterms:subjectWebpage
Webpage that describes this entity.
The web page being referenced describes the entity. The value of subjectWebpage is an authoritative location for information about the subject but should not be assumed to be a persistent identifier of the subject.
Submission Of ceterms:submissionOf
Artifact to be submitted such as a transcript, portfolio, or an affidavit.
Submission Of Description ceterms:submissionOfDescription
Name, label, or description of an artifact to be submitted such as a transcript, portfolio, or an affidavit.
Superseded By ceterms:supersededBy
Resource that replaces this resource.
For example, a credential that outright replaces the credential being described, and is not simply a newer version of the same credential (the two credentials have different CTIDs).
Supersedes ceterms:supersedes
Resource that this resource replaces.
For example, the credential that is outright replaced by the credential being described, and is not simply an older version of the same credential (the two credentials have different CTIDs).
Support Service Condition ceterms:supportServiceCondition
Requirements to qualify for a support service.
Support Service For ceterms:supportServiceFor
Resource to which this support service is applicable.
Support Service Statement ceterms:supportServiceStatement
Webpage or online document that defines or explains the nature of support services offered by the organization.
Support Service Statement Description ceterms:supportServiceStatementDescription
Description of the nature of support services offered by the organization.
Support Service Type ceterms:supportServiceType
Types of support services offered by an agent; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
Target Assessment ceterms:targetAssessment
Assessment that provides direct, indirect, formative or summative evaluation or estimation of the nature, ability, or quality for an entity.
Target Competency Framework ceterms:targetCompetencyFramework
Competency framework relevant to the process being described.
Target Competency Of ceterms:targetCompetencyOf
Resource that targets this Competency for a particular purpose.
Target Component ceterms:targetComponent
Candidate PathwayComponent for the ComponentCondition.
Target Contact Point ceterms:targetContactPoint
Options for contacting the organization or person.
Target Credential ceterms:targetCredential
Credential that is a focus or target of the condition, process or verification service.
Target Job ceterms:targetJob
Job that is the focus or target of this resource.
Target Learning Opportunity ceterms:targetLearningOpportunity
Learning opportunity that is the focus of a condition, process or another learning opportunity.
Target Learning Resource ceterms:targetLearningResource
Learning object or resource that is used as part of a learning activity.
Examples include a textbook or lesson plan that describes or records the educational activity (e.g. an audio- or video-recording of a lesson).
Target Node ceterms:targetNode
Individual entry in a formally defined framework such as a competency or an industry, instructional program, or occupation code.
The target node returned must be the exact competency or concept being described and no other competency or concept. References to data or a document that returns all of the competencies or concepts in the framework to which the target node belongs should use the ceterms:framework property.
Target Description ceterms:targetNodeDescription
Textual description of an individual concept or competency in a formally defined framework.
Target Node Name ceterms:targetNodeName
Name of an individual concept or competency in a formally defined framework.
Target Occupation ceterms:targetOccupation
Occupation that is the focus or target of this resource.
Target Pathway ceterms:targetPathway
Pathway in which this resource is a potential component.
Target Task ceterms:targetTask
Task that is the focus or target of this resource.
Telephone ceterms:telephone
Telephone number.
Time Required ceterms:timeRequired
Total engaged or participating time it will take to complete the activity, event, or resource.
This is intended to indicate only the sum of the individual amounts of time which are spent actively engaged in pursuing the completion of the activity, event, or resource, regardless of the overall time span required to complete it.
If a resource takes 50 hours over a span of 6 months to complete, use this to record 50 hours as PT50H.
Transfer Value ceterms:transferValue
An explicit amount of transfer value.
Transfer Value For ceterms:transferValueFor
Resource for which the described transfer value is applicable.
When this property references multiple resources, those resources should be treated as a set for which, collectively, the transfer value is applicable.
Transfer Value From ceterms:transferValueFrom
Resource from which the described transfer value originates.
When this property references multiple resources, those resources should be treated as a set from which, collectively, the transfer value originates.
Transfer Value Statement ceterms:transferValueStatement
Webpage or online document that defines or explains the nature of transfer value handled by the organization.
Transfer Value Statement Description ceterms:transferValueStatementDescription
Description of the nature of transfer value handled by the organization.
Uses Verification Service ceterms:usesVerificationService
Reference to a service that is used to verify this Credential.
Verification Directory ceterms:verificationDirectory
Directory of credential holders and their current statuses.
Verification Method Description ceterms:verificationMethodDescription
Textual description of the methods used to evaluate an assessment, learning opportunity, process or verificaiton service for validity or reliability.
Verification Service URL ceterms:verificationService
Direct access to the verification service.
This property identifies machine-accessible services, such as API endpoints, that provide direct access to the verification service being described.
For general webpages describing the service, use the subjectWebpage property.
Verified Claim Type ceterms:verifiedClaimType
Type of claim provided through a verification service; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
Best practice for developing credential descriptions for the Credential Engine Registry is to use the ceterms:ClaimType vocabulary.
Version Identifier ceterms:versionIdentifier
Alphanumeric identifier of the version of the resource that is unique within the organizational context of its owner.
The resource version captured here is any local identifier used by the resource owner to identify the version of the resource in the local system.
Locally unique identifiers are acceptable; however, globally unique URI or GUID/UUID are preferred.
Weight ceterms:weight
Measurement of the weight, degree, percent, or strength of a recommendation, requirement, or comparison.
Best practice is to assign a decimal value weight between 0 and 1 that indicates the strength of the assertion, with 0 being weakest and 1 being strongest.
Works For ceterms:worksFor
Person's place of employment.
Years of Experience ceterms:yearsOfExperience
Years of relevant experience.
Non-integer year values may be expressed as point value, for example, 0.25, 1.5, etc.
Same As owl:sameAs
Links an individual to an individual; such an owl:sameAs statement indicates that two URI references actually refer to the same thing: the individuals have the same "identity".
Data Collection Method Type qdata:dataCollectionMethodType
Type of method by which the data was collected.
Data Provider qdata:dataProvider
Credentialing organization or a third party providing the data.
Percentage qdata:percentage
Quotient of two values of the data set, expressed as a percentage.
Best practice is to treat the value of this property as a verbatim percentage; for example, a value of 1.5 should be interpreted as 1.5%
Relevant Data Set qdata:relevantDataSet
Data Set on which earnings or employment data is based.
Description schema:description
A description of the item.
Maximum Value schema:maxValue
The upper value of some characteristic or property.
For single values, use schema:value. For ranges, use schema:minValue and schema:maxValue.
Minimum Value schema:minValue
The lower value of some characteristic or property.
For single values, use schema:value. For ranges, use schema:minValue and schema:maxValue.
Unit Text schema:unitText
A string or text indicating the unit of measurement.
Value schema:value
The value of the property value node.
For single values, use schema:value. For ranges, use schema:minValue and schema:maxValue.

CTDL Concept Schemes and Concepts

The following terms are Concept Schemes and Concepts in the CTDL schema, listed alphabetically and grouped by their Concept/Subconcept hierarchies.


Accommodation ceterms:Accommodation
Types of features, changes, modifications, or adjustments made to a facility, service, or resource to provide equal access and opportunity to people with diverse needs and preferences.
These accommodations can include existing physical features or modifications to the environment, alternative formats or modes of communication, flexible scheduling, and personal assistance services, among others.
Concepts for this Scheme:
Facility Accommodation accommodation:FacilityAccommodation
Features, modifications or adjustments made to a physical space or facility to ensure that individuals with disabilities can access and use the space on an equal basis with others.
This can include existing features and modifications to the built environment, such as the installation of ramps, accessible restrooms, or wider doorways, as well as adjustments to lighting, signage, and other environmental factors.
Accessible Housing accommodation:AccessibleHousing
Housing with features, modifications, or adjustments to ensure that individuals with disabilities can access and use the space on an equal basis with others.
Accessible Parking accommodation:AccessibleParking
A designated parking spot close to a building entrance, with adequate space to allow for accessible van or car parking, and with appropriate signage and markings.
Accessible Restroom accommodation:AccessibleRestroom
Accessible restrooms with grab bars, accessible toilets, and sinks at different heights.
Adjustable Lighting accommodation:AdjustableLighting
Adjustable lighting levels and glare reduction.
Adjustable Workstations accommodation:AdjustableWorkstations
Adjustable counters and workstations.
Audio Captioning accommodation:AudioCaptioning
Displays for text corresponding to spoken words and audio cues.
Clear Signage accommodation:ClearSignage
Clear and simple signage with high contrast and easy-to-read fonts.
Hearing Loops accommodation:HearingLoops
Audio induction loops that transmit signals to hearing aids, cochlear implants or other listening devices.
Physical Accessibility accommodation:PhysicalAccessibility
Accommodations to ensure entry and mobility throughout a facility.
Examples include ramps or lifts for wheelchair accessibility, elevators, automatic doors, and wider doorways to accommodate mobility devices.
Sensory accommodation:Sensory
Accommodations for hypersensitivity or aversion to certain sounds, lights, textures, or smells.
This can include quiet rooms, and reduced lighting.
Service Animal accommodation:ServiceAnimal
Service animal accommodations, including clear guidelines, policies, and facilities for allowing service and support animals.
Tactile Signage accommodation:TactileSignage
Braille signage and tactile cues.
Resource and Service Accommodation accommodation:ResourceAndServiceAccommodation
Accommodations that are designed to provide equal access to resources and services and are not related to physical facilities.
Alternative Formats accommodation:AlternativeFormats
Alternative formats for print and display materials.
Examples include large print books or accessible PDFs.
Assistive Technology accommodation:AssistiveTechnology
Assistive technology and software to enable or improve access.
Captioning and Transcripts accommodation:CaptioningAndTranscripts
Captioning and/or transcripts for audio and video content.
Color Blindness accommodation:ColorBlindness
Accessibility feature or accommodation that is designed to address color vision deficiency or color blindness.
This service typically involves adjusting the colors used in visual materials, such as websites, videos, or other digital content, to make them more distinguishable.
Communication accommodation:Communication
Verbal or non-verbal communication assistance.
Examples include written communication, picture communication, or communication boards, telephone relay, assistive listening devices, Braille print, audio communication, or other accommodations.
Dietary Accommodation accommodation:DietaryAccommodation
Alternative meal options to suit dietary needs, restrictions, or preferences.
Flexible Schedule accommodation:FlexibleSchedule
Accommodations made for the time frames to complete work or tasks.
Examples include adjustments to working hours, extended deadlines, assessment times, or other modifications to schedules.
Multiple Language accommodation:MultipleLanguage
Provision of materials or communication in languages other than the primary language used.
Plain Language accommodation:PlainLanguage
Communication that is clear, concise, and easy to understand for all participants.
Examples include using everyday language, avoiding technical jargon, and providing relevant context to aid comprehension.
Screen Reader accommodation:ScreenReader
Screen reader compatibility for digital materials.

Action Status

Action Status ceterms:ActionStatus
Types of current status of an action.
Available statuses include ActiveActionStatus, CompletedActionStatus, FailedActionStatus, PotentialActionStatus.
Concepts for this Scheme:
Active Action Status actionStat:ActiveActionStatus
Action that is ongoing.
Examples include: while watching the movie, or driving to a location
Completed Action Status actionStat:CompletedActionStatus
Action that has already taken place.
Failed Action Status actionStat:FailedActionStatus
Action that failed to complete.
The action's error property and the HTTP return code contain more information about the failure.
Potential Action Status actionStat:PotentialActionStatus
Description of an action that is supported.

Agent Sector

Agent Sector ceterms:AgentSector
Types of sociological, economic, or political subdivision of society.
Sectors include public, private for profit, public for profit, and business industry association.
Concepts for this Scheme:
Private For-Profit agentSector:PrivateForProfit
Sector that contains privately-owned organizations that operate for profit.
Private Not-For-Profit agentSector:PrivateNonProfit
Sector that contains privately-owned organizations that operate on a non-profit basis.
These include both independent not-for-profit schools and those affiliated with a religious organization.
Public agentSector:Public
Sector that contains government and quasi-government organizations.

Agent Service Type

Agent Service Type ceterms:AgentServiceType
Types of services offered by an agent.
Concepts for this Scheme:
Accredit Service serviceType:AccreditService
Agent service provides official authorization to, or approval of, a credential, organization or program based on prescribed standards or criteria.
Approve Service serviceType:ApproveService
Agent service official accepts a credential or authorizes an organization to act or operate.
Offer Service serviceType:OfferService
Agent service offers resources such as credentials, assessments, or learning opportunities.
Recognize Service serviceType:RecognizeService
Agent service recommends, endorses, indicates preference for, or otherwise provides a positive judgment.
Regulate Service serviceType:RegulateService
Agent service monitors and enforces legal requirements or standards.
Renew Service serviceType:RenewService
Agent provides service to extend (renew) the validity of a credential.
Revoke Service serviceType:RevokeService
Agent provides service to end (revoke) the validity or operation of an awarded credential.

Array Operation Category

Array Operation Category ceterms:ArrayOperationCategory
Concepts describing an action to be taken on an array of values.
Used in CTDL for actions performed on arrays, lists or sets or values in order to obtain some other value.
Concepts for this Scheme:
All Of array:AllOf
All of the values.
Any Of array:AnyOf
Any (one or more) of the values.
Count Distinct array:CountDistinct
The number of unique values; yields a number.
Maximum array:Max
The highest of all the values.
Mean array:Mean
The arithmetic mean of all the values.
Minimum array:Min
The lowest of all the values.
One Of array:OneOf
Any one (but no more) of the values.
Sum array:Sum
The numeric total obtained by adding all the values.

Assessment Method

Assessment Method ceterms:AssessmentMethod
Types of assessment method.
Concepts for this Scheme:
Artifact assessMethod:Artifact
Work or product created or produced by the person being assessed.
Artifact includes, but is not limited to, an academic paper, video documentary, computer software, music composition, choreography, novel, short story, journal article, news article, report, lesson plan, product design, portfolio, manufactured product, etc. Methods of evaluation may include multiple evaluators either individually or as an expert panel using general criteria or more structured rubrics whose scores are combined, etc. Criteria and methods of evaluation are often very similar to those for assessing a performance, without the facets specific to a live performance
Exam assessMethod:Exam
Mix of scored items presented in fixed or open response formats including qualifying and comprehensive exams.
Exam includes, but is not limited to, multiple choice, true-false, written essay, short-answer, fill-in or oral response formats that could include measurements of reasoning, problem-solving, critical thinking.
Performance assessMethod:Performance
Set of behaviors or actions assessed as demonstration of competencies where the assessment occurs either as the actions take place (i.e., live) or through review of recordings of those actions in a persistent media (e.g., video, audio, keystroke records, etc.)
Performance includes, but is not limited to, dance, music, teaching, acting, medical procedures, truck driving, manufacturing production, etc. Criteria include the categories and benchmarks on which the performance is assessed. Methods of evaluation can include multiple evaluators either individually or as an expert panel using general criteria or more structured rubrics whose scores are combined (e.g., assessing a dance performance, evaluating the performance of a medical procedure, truck driving procedure, manufacturing process such as machining).

Assessment Use

Assessment Use ceterms:AssessmentUse
Types of Intended uses of an assessment.
Concepts for this Scheme:
Formative Assessment assessUse:Formative
Formal and informal assessment procedures conducted during the learning process to support intentional modification in teaching and learning activities in order to improve learner attainment.
Summative Assessment assessUse:Summative
Assessment of learning at the end of an instructional unit to determine whether some established standard or benchmark has been achieved.


Audience ceterms:Audience
Types of audiences for which the resource being described is applicable or available.
If the resource is applicable or available for any type of audience, do not select anything.
Concepts for this Scheme:
Citizen audience:Citizen
Person who is a legally recognized subject of a particular nation, state, province, or commonwealth.
Cultural/Ethnic Minority audience:CulturalEthnicMinority
Person who belongs to a cultural and/or ethnic minority group, relative to the surrounding population.
Currently Incarcerated audience:CurrentlyIncarcerated
Person who is currently incarcerated.
Current Military audience:CurrentMilitary
Current member of a nation's military.
Current Military Dependent audience:CurrentMilitaryDependent
Dependent (usually a child) of a current member of a nation's military.
Current Military Spouse audience:CurrentMilitarySpouse
Spouse of a current member of a nation's military.
Current Student audience:CurrentStudent
Student currently participating in a learning opportunity.
Displaced audience:Displaced
Person who has been displaced from their home or community.
Formerly Incarcerated audience:FormerlyIncarcerated
Person who was formerly incarcerated.
Former Member audience:FormerMember
Former member of an organization, society, or recognized group.
Membership includes types of affiliation such as employment or other work relationships, enrollment at an educational institution etc.
Former Military / Veteran audience:FormerMilitary
Veteran of military service.
Former Military Dependent audience:FormerMilitaryDependent
Former dependent (usually a child) of a veteran of a nation's military.
Former Military Spouse audience:FormerMilitarySpouse
Spouse of a veteran of a nation's military.
Former Student / Alumni audience:FormerStudent
Student who previously participated in a learning opportunity.
Full-Time audience:FullTime
Participation in a learning opportunity to an extent that meets the opportunity's requirements for full-time status.
Future Member audience:FutureMember
Future member of an organization, society, or recognized group.
Membership includes types of affiliation such as employment or other work relationships, enrollment at an educational institution etc.
Future Student audience:FutureStudent
Student who intends to participate in a learning opportunity.
Homemaker audience:Homemaker
Person who provides unpaid services to family members in the home.
Job Seeker audience:JobSeeker
Person who is currently seeking work.
This includes new job seekers as well as those who already have work and are seeking other work.
Member audience:Member
Current member of an organization, society, or recognized group.
Membership includes types of affiliation such as employment or other work relationships, enrollment at an educational institution etc.
Non-Citizen audience:NonCitizen
Person who is not a legally recognized subject of a particular nation, state, province, or commonwealth.
Non-Member audience:NonMember
Individual without membership status or privileges conferred by an organization, society, or recognized group.
Non-Resident audience:NonResident
Person whose primary residence is not in nation, state, province, or commonwealth of concern.
Part-Time audience:PartTime
Participation in a learning opportunity to an extent that meets the opportunity's requirements for part-time status.
Private Employee audience:PrivateEmployee
Person employed in the private sector.
Public Employee audience:PublicEmployee
Person employed in the public sector.
Resident audience:Resident
Person whose permanent and principal home is in a particular nation, state, province, or commonwealth.
Unemployed audience:Unemployed
Person who is not employed.
Youth audience:Youth
Person roughly between the ages of 15 and 24.

Audience Level

Audience Level ceterms:AudienceLevel
Types of levels in an academic or training progression expected of, or to be developed by, the typical person for the resource being described.
Concepts for this Scheme:
Advanced Level audLevel:AdvancedLevel
Intended for those with significant experience or expertise where developmental expectations are staged for assessing knowledge, skills, or competencies beyond the novice and intermediate levels.
Beginner Level audLevel:BeginnerLevel
Intended for novices or those with limited experience.
Graduate Level audLevel:GraduateLevel
Intended for those who enrolled in a degree program or other formal program above the baccalaureate level, such as a masters or doctoral degree program.
Intermediate Level audLevel:IntermediateLevel
Intended for those with some experience, where knowledge, skills, and competency expectations are staged for development beyond novice-level and in preparation for a more advanced-level.
An individual at this level has foundational competencies to function independently with occasional supervision.
Lower Division Level audLevel:LowerDivisionLevel
Intended for those in the first half of an undergraduate level program.
Post-Secondary Level audLevel:PostSecondaryLevel
Intended for those who have completed secondary level school programs or equivalent.
Associates Degree Level audLevel:AssociatesDegreeLevel
Intended for those completing college/university-level programs within their first one to two years (lower-division) of post-secondary education.
Bachelors Degree Level audLevel:BachelorsDegreeLevel
Intended for those completing college/university-level programs within approximately three to four years where course work and activities advance skills from a lower-division or generalist level to an upper-division level.
Doctoral Degree Level audLevel:DoctoralDegreeLevel
Intended for those who have completed Bachelors and Masters degrees or their equivalent and who will be required to complete either independent research or a significant project or paper.
Masters Degree Level audLevel:MastersDegreeLevel
Intended for those who have completed a Bachelor's Degree or equivalent.
Professional Level audLevel:ProfessionalLevel
Intended for those attending professional programs or equivalent, such as law or medicine.
Other levels can typically be paired with Professional Level to refine a description of a level.
Remedial Level audLevel:RemedialLevel
Intended for those who are under-prepared for learning at a particular level.
Secondary School or Equivalent audLevel:SecondaryLevel
Intended for those attending secondary (high-school) level programs.
Undergraduate Level audLevel:UndergraduateLevel
Intended for those who are enrolled in a degree program or other formal program at or below the baccalaureate, such as an associate’s degree, vocational, or technical program.
Upper Division Level audLevel:UpperDivisionLevel
Intended for those in the second half of an undergraduate level program.

Claim Type

Claim Type ceterms:ClaimType
Types of the claims supported by a verification service.
Concepts for this Scheme:
Badge Claim claimType:BadgeClaim
Verifiable visual representation that can be shared, embedded, linked, or otherwise used to publicly indicate that an individual has the represented credential.
Quality Assurance Claim claimType:QualityAssuranceClaim
Verifiable representation of quality assurance.
Transcript Claim claimType:TranscriptClaim
Verifiable representation of postsecondary courses and degrees completed.
Verified Claim claimType:VerifiedClaim
Verifiable representation of the credential holder's achievement.

Collection Category

Collection Category ceterms:CollectionCategory
Types of collection, list, or array that groups together other resources.
Concepts for this Scheme:
Eligible Training Providers List collectionCategory:ETPL
Training providers meeting the requirements stipulated in the U.S. Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act per the promulgating body.
This list includes the Learning Opportunities and Credentials offered by training providers that have met requirements.
GI Bill collectionCategory:GIBill
Education and training programs qualifying for the U.S. GI Bill per the promulgating body.
Industry Recognized collectionCategory:IndustryRecognized
Learning Opportunities, Learning Programs, Courses, Assessments or Credentials recognized in one or more industries based on factors such as job market demand per the promulgating body.
Perkins collectionCategory:Perkins
Credentials approved for funding under the U.S. Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) per the promulgating body.
Promise Scholarship collectionCategory:PromiseScholarship
Specified programs in eligible postsecondary educational institutions for which qualified students may receive a Promise Scholarship.
Quality collectionCategory:Quality
Learning Opportunities, Learning Programs, Courses, Assessments or Credentials that meet criteria for quality as determined by the promulgating body.
State Approved Postsecondary Programs collectionCategory:StateApprovedPostsecondary
Learning Opportunities, Learning Programs, Courses, Assessments or Credentials approved by a state agency to be offered within that state’s jurisdiction by postsecondary institutions.

Comparator Category

Comparator Category ceterms:ComparatorCategory
Concepts for comparing two values.
Used in CTDL constraints as values of the ceterms:comparator property to make a comparison that should yield true or false. In all cases the left source of data is compared to the right source, sometimes the comparison is made after an action is applied, e.g. finding the mean of several numbers.
Concepts for this Scheme:
Equal To compare:EQ
The value of the left is equal to the value of the right.
Greater Than compare:GT
The value of the left is greater than the value of the right.
The value of the left is greater than or equal to the value of the right.
Less Than compare:LT
The value of the left is less than the value of the right.
Less Than or Equal To compare:LTEQ
The value of the left is less than or equal to the value of the right.
Not Equal To compare:NEQ
The value of the left is not equal to the value of the right.

Cost Type

Cost Type ceterms:CostType
Entity that describes the types of costs related to earning or completing a credential, assessment, or learning opportunity.
Attainment costs do not include living (e.g., room and board) or travel expenses.
Concepts for this Scheme:
Aggregate Cost costType:AggregateCost
Sum of direct costs.
Application costType:Application
Cost of applying for the resource being described.
Background Check costType:BackgroundCheck
Cost for a background check.
Enrollment Fee costType:EnrollmentFee
Cost to enroll in the learning opportunity being described.
Graduation Fee costType:GraduationFee
Separate graduation fee.
Learning Resource costType:LearningResource
Cost for one or more learning resources.
Examples include resources such as textbooks, workbooks, laboratory supplies, and other related supplies.
Meals costType:Meals
Cost for meals while participating in the learning opportunity.
Mixed Fees costType:MixedFees
The sum of fees that are not identified individually.
Optional Charges costType:OptionalCharges
Cost for additional fees, other services, equipment, or facilities that are not required.
Processing Fee costType:ProcessingFee
Cost for processing or expediting information related to the resource being described.
Program Specific Fee costType:ProgramSpecificFee
Additional cost for participation with a specific program or course of study such as engineering, business, and nursing.
Reexamination Fee costType:ReexaminationFee
Cost for retaking an instance of the resource being described.
Maintenance Fee costType:RenewalFee
Cost for maintenance or renewal of the resource being described.
Rescheduling Fee costType:ReschedulingFee
Cost for rescheduling an instance of the resource being described.
Room or Residence costType:RoomOrResidency
Cost for room, residence or boarding.
Scoring Fee costType:ScoringFee
Cost for scoring the resource being described.
Standalone/Extra Assessment costType:StandaloneAssessment
Cost for standalone assessments.
Student Services Fee costType:StudentServicesFee
Cost for student services related to the learning opportunity.
Technology Fee costType:TechnologyFee
Cost for accessing technologies related to the learning opportunity or activity.
Tuition costType:Tuition
Cost for teaching and instruction.

Credential Status

Credential Status ceterms:CredentialStatus
Types of applicability statuses of a credential.
Concepts for this Scheme:
Active credentialStat:Active
Awards of the credential are ongoing.
Ceasing credentialStat:Ceasing
Resource is in the process of becoming no longer active, current, ongoing, offered, operational, or available.
Deprecated credentialStat:Deprecated
Awards of the credential have ceased.
Probationary credentialStat:Probationary
Credential award is provisional or temporary; frequently pending further assessment of qualification.
Suspended credentialStat:Suspended
Awards of the credential are not available, but may resume.
Teach Out credentialStat:TeachOut
Arrangement by which an educational institution provides its current students with the opportunity to complete the credential when the program, institution or location offering access closes.

Credit Unit

Credit Unit ceterms:CreditUnit
Broad descriptions of units used to measure credit associated with a resource.
Concepts for this Scheme:
Time-Based Credit creditUnit:TimeBasedCredit
Credit with a unit of measurement based on time, either figuratively or literally.
Academic Year creditUnit:AcademicYear
Credit that is issued or accepted as being related to one or more academic years.
Carnegie Unit creditUnit:CarnegieUnit
Credit that is based on 120 hours of contact time or class time with an instructor.
Clock Hour creditUnit:ClockHour
Credit that is issued or accepted as being related to one or more temporal hours.
Contact Hour creditUnit:ContactHour
Credit that is issued or accepted as being related to one or more temporal hours of instruction presented to students.
Quarter Hour creditUnit:QuarterHour
Credit that is issued or accepted at an academic quarter level.
Semester Hour creditUnit:SemesterHour
Credit that is issued or accepted at a semester level.
Type-Based Credit creditUnit:TypeBasedCredit
Credit with a unit of measurement based on the type of credit.
Certificate Credit creditUnit:CertificateCredit
Credit that is issued or accepted for certificates.
Includes credits earned while enrolled in a certificate program.
Competency Credit creditUnit:CompetencyCredit
Credit that is issued or accepted for a particular competency or set of competencies.
Continuing Education Unit creditUnit:ContinuingEducationUnit
Credit that is issued or is accepted as education units for meeting professional development requirements.
Based on international standards, continuing education units are based on contact hours that may be converted to other units of measurement, such as professional development hours (PDH), continuing education credits (CEU), and continuing professional credits (CPC).
Degree Credit creditUnit:DegreeCredit
Credit that is issued or is accepted as credit for earning a college-level degree.
Includes credits earned while enrolled in a postsecondary program for a college-level degree.
Dual Credit creditUnit:DualCredit
Credit that is applicable to two different educational levels.
Requirement Credit creditUnit:RequirementCredit
Credit that is issued or accepted for some type of requirement.
Secondary Diploma Credit creditUnit:SecondaryDiplomaCredit
Credit that is issued or accepted for a secondary diploma.
Includes credits earned while enrolled in a secondary diploma program that meet graduation requirements.

Delivery Type

Delivery Type ceterms:Delivery
Types of technical form for providing instances of the entity.
Concepts for this Scheme:
Blended Delivery deliveryType:BlendedDelivery
Delivery includes significant levels of both in person and online.
In-Person Only deliveryType:InPerson
Delivery is only face-to-face.
Online Only deliveryType:OnlineOnly
Delivery is only via the Internet.
Variable Site deliveryType:VariableSite
Delivery is not tied to a specific site.
Includes physical/in-person delivery to a range of locations, whether predetermined or customized to a specific need. Examples include equipment for dispensing information to mobile devices in locations with limited/no connection.

External Input

External Input ceterms:ExternalInput
Types of external stakeholders that provide input to the process.
Concepts for this Scheme:
Professional Associations inputType:Associations
External stakeholder review, guidance or recommendations by professional associations.
Business inputType:Business
External stakeholder review, guidance or recommendations by business.
Business or Industry Association inputType:BusinessAssociation
External stakeholder review, guidance or recommendations by business or industry association.
Consumers inputType:Consumers
External stakeholder review, guidance or recommendations by consumers.
Education Administrators inputType:EducationAdministrators
External stakeholder review, guidance or recommendations by education administrators.
Educators inputType:Educators
External stakeholder review, guidance or recommendations by education instructors or faculty.
Subject Matter Experts inputType:Experts
External stakeholder review, guidance or recommendations by subject matter experts.
Governments inputType:Governments
External stakeholder review, guidance or recommendations by government.
May include local, state or provincial, and federal or national government.
Guardians inputType:Guardians
External stakeholder review, guidance or recommendations by parents or guardians.
International Bodies inputType:InternationalBodies
External stakeholder review, guidance or recommendations by international bodies.
Practitioners inputType:Practitioners
External stakeholder review, guidance or recommendations by practitioners.
Public inputType:Public
External stakeholder review, guidance or recommendations by community members and the general public.
Students inputType:Students
External stakeholder review, guidance or recommendations by all types of learners.

Financial Assistance

Financial Assistance ceterms:FinancialAssistance
Types of financial assistance typically available in the United States.
Concepts for this Scheme:
General Financial Assistance financialAid:General
Types of financial assistance for students towards education, training, or related costs of pursuing a credential, program, or other resource.
Grant financialAid:Grant
Financial subsidy, which doesn’t require repayment, based on meeting requirements determined by the grantor.
Federal Grant financialAid:FederalGrant
Financial subsidy, which doesn’t require repayment, based on meeting requirements determined by the Federal Government.
Institutional Grant financialAid:InstitutionalGrant
Financial subsidy, including free or discounted tuition or other fees, which doesn’t require repayment, based on meeting requirements determined by an educational institution.
Loan Forgiveness Program financialAid:LoanForgivenessProgram
Program that forgives the remaining balance on a loan after meeting certain requirements.
Other Grant financialAid:OtherGrant
Financial subsidy based on meeting requirements from one or more other sources.
Pell Grant financialAid:PellGrant
Financial subsidy, which doesn’t require repayment, that the Federal Government provides based on the financial needs of the student.
Private Grant financialAid:PrivateGrant
Financial subsidy, which doesn’t require repayment, based on meeting requirements determined by a private entity, including employers.
Promise Program financialAid:PromiseProgram
Program for students in a given area, with minimal requirements, that pays for tuition without requiring repayment.
State or Local Grant financialAid:StateLocalGrant
Financial subsidy, which doesn’t require repayment, based on meeting requirements determined by a state, province, region, and/or local government.
Stipend financialAid:Stipend
A fixed sum of money paid for services or to defray expenses incurred through specific activities, which is typically distinct from wages or a salary.
Financial aid established on behalf of a qualified participant with a training provider that is on the state's Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL).
Loan financialAid:Loan
Financial aid that requires repayment with terms determined by the entity providing the loan.
Federal Subsidized Loan financialAid:FederalSubsidizedLoan
Loan from the Federal Government that is based on financial needs of the student and is intended to offset costs related to education, living, and resources.
Federal Unsubsidized Loan financialAid:FederalUnsubsidizedLoan
Loan from the Federal Government that does not require evidence of the financial needs of the student, and is intended to offset costs related to education, living, and resources.
Institutional Loan financialAid:InstitutionalLoan
Loan from an educational institution that is intended to offset costs related to education, living, and resources.
Other Loan financialAid:OtherLoan
Loan from one or more other sources that is intended to offset costs related to education, living, and resources.
Parent PLUS Loan financialAid:ParentPLUSLoan
Loan from the Federal Government available to the parents of dependent students.
Private Loan financialAid:PrivateLoan
Loan from a private entity, including employers, that is intended to offset costs related to education, living, and resources.
State or Local Loan financialAid:StateLocalLoan
Loan from a state, province, region, and/or local government that is intended to offset costs related to education, living, and resources.
Scholarship financialAid:Scholarship
Financial aid award based on student achievement and other criteria for education that doesn’t require repayment.
Federal Scholarship financialAid:FederalScholarship
Financial aid award, which doesn’t require repayment, from the Federal Government based on student achievement and other criteria for education.
Institutional Scholarship financialAid:InstitutionalScholarship
Financial aid award, which doesn’t require repayment, from an educational institution based on student achievement and other criteria for education.
Other Scholarship financialAid:OtherScholarship
Financial aid award, which doesn’t require repayment, from one or more other sources based on student achievement and other criteria.
Private Scholarship financialAid:PrivateScholarship
Financial aid award, which doesn’t require repayment, from a private entity, including employers, based on student achievement and other criteria for education.
State or Local Scholarship financialAid:StateLocalScholarship
Financial aid award, which doesn’t require repayment, from a state, province, region, and/or local government based on student achievement and other criteria for education.
Work-Based financialAid:WorkBased
Financial compensation for participating in work-based learning opportunities.
Academic Assistantship financialAid:AcademicAssistantship
Paid employment in which students receive tuition or other reimbursement for the tasks they perform for faculty members, departments, and/or educational institutions.
Apprenticeship financialAid:Apprenticeship
Combination of on-the-job training and related instruction that meets standards in which workers learn the practical and theoretical aspects of a skilled occupation.
Co-Operative financialAid:CoOperative
Paid work experience utilized by approved career and technical education programs to combine classroom and on-the-job training and education which provides academic credit for structured job experience.
Federal Work Study financialAid:FederalWorkStudy
Program funded by the Federal Government designed to provide part-time jobs for students to offset educational expenses.
Internship financialAid:Internship
Time-limited work offered by an organization approved by a qualified institution to gain experience or satisfy requirements for another resource.
Other On-Campus Work financialAid:OtherOnCampusWork
Paid non-academic employment available for students on an educational institution’s campus.
State or Local Work financialAid:StateLocalWork
Program funded by a state, province, region, and/or local government designed to provide work for students to offset educational expenses.
Military financialAid:Military
Financial aid available to active duty service members, veterans, and/or their qualified family members.
Department of Defense Tuition Assistance financialAid:DoDTuitionAssistance
Financial assistance provided to qualified active duty service members and their families for voluntary off-duty educational programs in support of professional and personal self-development goals.
Post 9-11 GI Bill financialAid:Post911GIBill
Financial assistance provided to qualified active duty service members, veterans, and qualified family members that is based on military service and intended to offset costs related to education, living, and resources.
State or Local Military Assistance financialAid:StateLocalMilitaryAssistance
Financial aid provided by a state or local government to active duty service members, veterans, and/or qualified family members.
Financial assistance provided to qualified active duty service members and veterans as a matching program that is intended to offset educational expenses.
Vocational Rehabilitation financialAid:VocationalRehabilitation
Financial for veterans with a qualifying service-connected disability rating for training or education related to pursuit of a career or career-related resource.

Learning Method

Learning Method ceterms:LearningMethod
Types of methods used to conduct the learning opportunity.
Concepts for this Scheme:
Applied Instruction learnMethod:Applied
Provides learning opportunities in the context of real world examples, cases, and applications.
Applies to methods such as contextual learning, applied academics, academic-technical integration, problem-based learning, project-based learning, and case methods.
Cohort-Based learnMethod:CohortBased
Format in which people progress as a group.
Gaming learnMethod:Gaming
Provides interactive educational experiences which demonstrate concepts in a way that promotes critical thinking, overcoming challenges within prescribed rule sets, problem solving, and in some cases, teamwork and/or competition.
Individual or group games that have cognitive, social, behavioral, and/or emotional dimensions which are related to educational objectives.
Laboratory learnMethod:Laboratory
Hands-on individual or group experiences for applied learning concepts and methods, procedures and protocols with equipment and technologies.
Applies to clinical practice and methods such as physical and/or virtual simulation or participation, whether direct or indirect.
Lecture learnMethod:Lecture
Primary method is presentation by an instructor of learning material and may include student discussion.
Lecture courses may involve student questions and answers, but the role of the instructor is clearly differentiated from that of the students.
Prerecorded learnMethod:Prerecorded
Learning by using video, audio, or other prerecorded content.
Self Paced learnMethod:SelfPaced
Provides for personalization and flexibility in the timing and progression of learning for individual learners based on their preferences and needs, prior learning experiences, and ability to progress through learning opportunities.
Applies to methods such as competency-based education, open-entry/open exit, independent study, private study, and correspondence.
Seminar learnMethod:Seminar
Primary method is active student discussion leading to advancement of the topic and facilitated by an instructor.
Seminars typically involve small groups to facilitate equal opportunity with the instructor and colleagues to be engaged and occasionally may include students leading discussions.
Work Based learnMethod:WorkBased
Provides real-world work experiences that may be paid or unpaid and provided in group or individual formats normally outside the classroom.
Applies to methods such as apprenticeships, internships, externships, work study, clinical rotations, residencies, practicums, field study, team projects, and cooperative education.
Apprenticeship learnMethod:Apprenticeship
Learning through work that leads to a credential that is recognized by a relevant authority and is deliberately structured and supported to provide a progression of learning experiences.
Clinical Rotation learnMethod:ClinicalRotation
Learning through real-world work experience in a medical context under the direct supervision of a qualified practitioner.
Internship learnMethod:Internship
Work position that is intended to provide a learner with an opportunity to gain experience but that is not structured around learning and does not itself lead to a credential recognized by a relevant authority.
Medical Residency learnMethod:MedicalResidency
Learning through real-world work experience at the graduate level in a medical context where a qualified participant works under the direct supervision of a senior practicioner.

Life Cycle Status

Life Cycle Status ceterms:LifeCycleStatus
Types of states of a resource in terms of its stage in a life cycle.
Concepts for this Scheme:
Active lifeCycle:Active
Resource is active, current, ongoing, offered, operational, or available.
Ceased lifeCycle:Ceased
Resource is permanently no longer active, current, ongoing, offered, operational, or available.
Ceasing lifeCycle:Ceasing
Resource is in the process of becoming no longer active, current, ongoing, offered, operational, or available.
Teach Out lifeCycle:TeachOut
Arrangement by which an educational institution provides its current students with the opportunity to complete their course of study when the program, institution or location offering access closes.
Developing lifeCycle:Developing
Resource is under development and may or may not become active, current, ongoing, offered, operational, or available.
Suspended lifeCycle:Suspended
Resource is temporarily not active, current, ongoing, offered, operational, or available.

Logical Operator Category

Logical Operator Category ceterms:LogicalOperatorCategory
Logical operators applicable to two or more items.
Used in CTDL for types of logical operator for combining two or more nested ComponentCondition entities, Constraint entities, or a mix of ComponentCondition and Constraint entities.
Concepts for this Scheme:
And logic:And
Relation is satisfied when all of the conditions and constraints are satisfied.
When used in a Component Condition, this applies to the combination of all immediately subordinate Component Conditions and Constraints.
Only One logic:OnlyOne
Relation is satisfied when exactly one, and not more, of the conditions or constraints is satisfied.
When used in a Component Condition, this applies to the combination of all immediately subordinate Component Conditions and Constraints.
Or logic:Or
Relation is satisfied when at least one of the conditions or constraints is satisfied.
When used in a Component Condition, this applies to the combination of all immediately subordinate Component Conditions and Constraints.

Organization Type

Organization Type ceterms:OrganizationType
Types of organization.
Concepts for this Scheme:
Assessment Body orgType:AssessmentBody
Primarily offers assessments for credentials as a service.
Business orgType:Business
Organization that primarily sells products or services and employs one or more individuals.
Business or Industry Association orgType:BusinessAssociation
Membership organization primarily engaged in promoting the interests of their business members and providing them with services that may involve the provision of education and credentialing services.
Certification Body orgType:CertificationBody
Independent, third-party organization that operates a certification program. A certification body may or may not be governmental, and may or may not have regulatory authority.
Collaborative orgType:Collaborative
Organized group of entities in the public, private, government sectors that collaborates to achieve a common set of goals.
Coordinating Body orgType:CoordinatingBody
An organization that organizes multiple stakeholders around a common goal.
Government Agency orgType:Government
Organization in the public sector at the federal, state or local levels.
Includes quasi-governmental organizations, special districts (e.g., libraries), corrections organizations, etc., except college and school districts. Is also responsible for the oversight and administration of specific functions other than the military services.
Labor Union orgType:LaborUnion
Membership organization of workers formed for the purpose of advancing its members' interests in respect to wages, benefits, and working conditions.
Military orgType:Military
Armed services of a government entity.
Organization such as a college or university.
Organization with the authority to award degrees, and whose primary purpose is to provide postsecondary (tertiary or non-tertiary) education including programs whose purpose is providing academic, vocational, and continuing professional education.
Four-Year College orgType:FourYear
Authorized postsecondary institution that primarily offers bachelor or higher degrees, but may also award associate degrees.
Includes free-standing medical, law or other first-professional schools, schools that offer postbaccalaureate certificates only, those that offer graduate programs only, etc.
Two-Year College orgType:TwoYear
Authorized postsecondary institution that primarily offers associate degrees and certificates, and, if authorized, may also award higher degrees.
Includes occupational and vocational schools with programs of at least 1800 hours, academic institutions with programs of less than 4 years, etc.
Primarily Online orgType:PrimarilyOnline
Organization that primarily operates online.
Professional Association orgType:ProfessionalAssociation
Membership organization primarily engaged in promoting the interests of a particular profession, the interests of individuals engaged in that profession, and providing them with services that may involve the provision of education and credentialing services.
Quality Assurance Body orgType:QualityAssurance
External body that performs accreditation, endorsement, approval, and/or recognition of a credential issuer.
Secondary School orgType:SecondarySchool
Secondary school primarily providing education to students at the ninth grade or higher.
High School orgType:HighSchool
Secondary school providing instruction and educational services that do not focus primarily on career and technical education or alternative education.
Public school offering special instruction and programs not available elsewhere, designed to attract a more diverse student body from throughout a school district.
Alternative/Non-Traditional School orgType:NonTraditional
Secondary (i.e., high school) that: 1) addresses needs of students which cannot typically be met in a regular school; 2) provides nontraditional education; 3) falls outside of the categories of regular, magnet/special program emphasis, or career and technical education.
Career and Technical School orgType:Technical
Secondary school that focuses primarily on providing formal preparation for skilled, technical or professional occupations or careers.
Education and Training Provider orgType:TrainingProvider
Organization whose major purpose is to provide education and training services but is not a postsecondary education institution with the authority to award degrees.
Includes community-based organizations, non-degree granting proprietary schools which are education and training providers that are recognized by states as schools.
In the U.S., use for Title IV eligible organizations that do not award degrees.
Vendor orgType:Vendor
Sells, maintains, and issues credentials for its own products and services for public access and use.


Residency ceterms:Residency
Types of residency.
Concepts for this Scheme:
In-State residency:InState
Legal residency or domicile status of the agent is the state or province of the relevant activity.
Foreign/International residency:International
Legal residency, domicile, or citizen status of the agent is as a foreign national.
Local residency:Local
Legal residency or domicile status of the agent is local.
Out-of-State residency:OutOfState
Legal residency or domicile status of the agent is a state or province different from the state or provincial locus of the relevant activity.
Regional residency:Regional
Legal residency or domicile status of the agent is the same geographic or political region as that of the relevant activity.

Schedule Frequency

Schedule Frequency ceterms:ScheduleFrequency
Types for how often events occur.
Concepts for this Scheme:
Annually scheduleFrequency:Annually
Schedule is on an annual basis, typically occurring once per year.
Bi-Monthly scheduleFrequency:BiMonthly
Schedule is on a bi-monthly basis, typically occurring every other month.
Event-Based scheduleFrequency:EventBased
Schedule is determined or triggered by other events, such as completion of activities, completion of the resource, events external to the resource, or other events; refer to the resource's information for details.
Irregular scheduleFrequency:Irregular
Schedule has no significant pattern.
Monthly scheduleFrequency:Monthly
Schedule is on a monthly basis, typically occurring once per month.
Multiple Per Week scheduleFrequency:MultiplePerWeek
Schedule is more frequent than a weekly basis.
On-Demand scheduleFrequency:OnDemand
Schedule allows the participant to choose when the resource begins.
Open Entry/Exit scheduleFrequency:OpenEntryExit
Schedule allows for the participant to enter, participate with, and complete the resource during any period of the resource's run time.
Quarterly scheduleFrequency:Quarterly
Schedule is on an quarterly basis, typically occurring three or four times per year.
Self-Paced scheduleFrequency:SelfPaced
Schedule allows for participation at a self-determined pace, though some specific dates and deadlines may be involved.
Semi-Annually scheduleFrequency:SemiAnnually
Schedule is on an semi-annual basis, typically occurring twice per year.
Single Instance scheduleFrequency:SingleInstance
Schedule is a single instance of this event.
Weekly scheduleFrequency:Weekly
Schedule is on a weekly basis, typically occurring once per week.

Schedule Timing

Schedule Timing ceterms:ScheduleTiming
Types for when (in time) events occur.
Concepts for this Scheme:
Daytime scheduleTiming:Daytime
Schedule is typically during daytime hours.
Evening scheduleTiming:Evening
Schedule is typically during evening hours.
Weekdays scheduleTiming:Weekdays
Schedule is Monday through Friday, consecutively or non-consecutively.
Weekends scheduleTiming:Weekends
Schedule is on a weekly basis, Saturday and/or Sunday.

Scoring Method

Scoring Method ceterms:ScoringMethod
Types of applicable scoring.
Concepts for this Scheme:
Criterion-Referenced score:CriterionReferenced
Scored based on a comparison to defined criteria and levels of performance.
Norm-Referenced score:NormReferenced
Scored based on a comparison to a distribution of performance in a reference population.

Support Service Category

Support Service Category ceterms:SupportServiceCategory
Types of support services to help people succeed in their education and career goals.
Concepts for this Scheme:
Academic Advising support:AcademicAdvising
Personalized process that assists people in achieving educational goals and navigating academic journeys.
Assistive Technology Support support:AssistiveTechnologySupport
Service that directly assists an individual in the selection, acquisition, or use of assistive technology devices.
Audiological Health Care support:AudiologicalHealthCare
Health care and related services covering hearing loss or impairment.
Behavioral Service support:BehavioralService
Personalized service focused on addressing problem behaviors and developing positive and adaptive behaviors.
Benefits Support support:BenefitsSupport
Service that provides guidance and assistance to people in accessing and maintaining the financial and other benefits that can support their academic and career goals.
This can include support in understanding and maintaining eligibility, completing related forms, and navigating application and verification processes.
Career Advising support:CareerAdvising
Personalized process that helps individuals identify and pursue their professional goals, and how to develop the skills and strategies necessary to achieve them.
Career Assessment support:CareerAssessment
Personalized process that helps individuals to identify their interests, skills, values, and personality traits, and to explore how they relate to different career paths and job opportunities.
Career Exploration support:CareerExploration
Service that provides opportunities or information to discover and learn about careers.
This service can offer information and experiences about job market trends, salary expectations, working conditions and other factors that can help people identify and pursue their career goals.
Case Management support:CaseManagement
Long-term, client-centered service for delivering comprehensive health and human services that involves ongoing assessment, planning, coordination, monitoring, and evaluation of a client's needs and services provided.
Childcare support:Childcare
Provision of supervision, care, and activities for children in the absence of their parents or guardians.
Clothing Assistance support:ClothingAssistance
Service that pays for or provides clothing to people who need appropriate attire.
Computer Hub support:ComputerHub
Physical location for accessing computers and other technology resources.
Counseling support:Counseling
Personalized process that helps individuals improve their mental health and well-being by exploring their emotions, behaviors, and relationships with the guidance of a trained professional.
Personalized service that provides guidance and support to individuals experiencing personal, work-related, or academic challenges.
Crisis Support support:CrisisSupport
Services that provide immediate assistance to people who are facing unexpected challenges or crises that may interfere with their ability to pursue their academic or career goals.
These services can include financial assistance, housing assistance, crisis hotlines, and counseling services among others.
Diversity Equity Inclusion support:DiversityEquityInclusion
Services, programs, and initiatives that promote a welcoming and inclusive environment for individuals of all backgrounds.
Equipment Provision support:EquipmentProvision
Service that provides people with access to the equipment, tools, or other physical resources necessary for education, training, or work.
Financial Literacy support:FinancialLiteracy
Provides people with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to make informed decisions about managing their personal finances.
Health Care support:HealthCare
Programs whose primary purpose is to help individuals achieve and maintain physical well-being through the study, prevention, screening, evaluation and treatment of individuals who have illnesses, injuries, or disabilities.
Immigration Assistance support:ImmigrationAssistance
Assistance for people in navigating legal and administrative procedures involved in immigrating to a new country.
Examples include assistance with visa applications, documentation requirements, and settlement services.
Internet Access support:InternetAccess
Service where individuals can connect to the internet using their own devices.
Job Placement support:JobPlacement
Assistance for individuals in finding suitable work.
Examples include providing job searching and matching resources, and facilitating the application, interview, and background check processes.
Learning Resource Provision support:LearningResourceProvision
Service that provides people with access to educational materials.
Examples of support materials include textbooks, multimedia resources, research papers, journals, and online courses.
Use for libraries and specialized resource centers.
Legal Service support:LegalService
Service that provides people with advice, representation, and/or support in navigating the legal system.
Examples include the interpretation and application of laws and regulations, and advocating for the individual's legal rights and interests.
Mental Health Counseling support:MentalHealthCounseling
Personalized service that provides therapeutic support to individuals experiencing mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, or trauma.
Examples of mental health issues include behavior problems, emotional disturbances, personality disorders, incipient illnesses, and/or other comparable conditions.
Mentoring support:Mentoring
Service that pairs individuals with people experienced in professions who can offer guidance and support as they pursue their academic or career goals.
Networking support:Networking
Service that connects people with employers and professional communities to expand their professional networks and gain access to new job opportunities and career pathways.
Examples include providing opportunities to attend networking events and connect with professionals.
Neurodivergence Service support:NeurodivergenceService
Services related to neurodivergence.
Neurodivergence means relating to having a mind that functions in ways that are not considered typical according to societal norms.
Use for services relating to autism, tics/Tourettes Syndrome, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and other similar conditions.
Note Taking Assistance support:NoteTakingAssistance
Service that assists individuals to make their own record of classes or lectures.
Peer Service support:PeerService
Service that specializes in facilitating peer interaction.
Examples include peer interactions such as counseling, tutoring, and leadership activities.
Personal Assistance support:PersonalAssistance
Personalized service to help and accompany an individual who would otherwise be unable to participate in education, training, and/or work.
Postal Address support:PostalAddress
Service to provide people who do not have a suitable mailing address with a means to receive their mail.
This service is intended to help individuals receive documents and correspondence.
Psychological Service support:PsychologicalService
Personalized service that provides assessment, diagnosis, and treatment for mental health disorders.
Public Benefits Case Management support:PublicBenefitsCaseManagement
Specialized, long-term, and client-centered service for delivering comprehensive public benefits services that involves ongoing assessment, planning, coordination, monitoring, and evaluation of a client's needs and services provided related to public assistance programs.
Reader Service support:ReaderService
Service for reading text or describing visual content.
For pre-recorded formats such as audio books use the accommodationType property with the value "AlternativeFormats".
Rehabilitation support:Rehabilitation
Service that provides a combination of treatment and education designed to restore maximum functioning, independence, and a sense of well-being for individuals who have temporary or permanent disabilities.
Residential Living support:ResidentialLiving
Service that provides a therapeutic living environment in community-based residential facilities for individuals with special needs, including those with emotional and/or behavioral problems.
Respite Care support:RespiteCare
Service that provides temporary care to relieve a caregiver.
Sign Language support:SignLanguage
Service that provides sign language interpretation.
Skill Mapping support:SkillMapping
Service that helps identify and assess an individual's specific skills and qualifications to determine any gaps or overlaps in their knowledge or experience as they relate to a career pathway.
This process can identify opportunities for advanced standing, transfer credit, or other forms of recognition for their skills, which can help people save time and money in pursuit of their education or career goals.
Study Skills support:StudySkills
Service that provides assistance for people who want to improve their study habits, test preparation skills and test-taking techniques.
Substance Abuse Prevention support:SubstanceAbusePrevention
Service related to preventing the misuse or abuse of drugs, alcohol, or other substances.
Support Coordination support:SupportCoordination
Service that involves coordinating and integrating various other services to provide comprehensive support to individuals.
Support coordination emphasizes a holistic and personalized approach where services are delivered in a comprehensive manner, rather than in isolation.
Use for services known as "wraparound services" in the U.S.
Supported Work support:SupportedWork
Service that helps people with special needs find and retain paid work.
This can include advocacy and support services to address behaviors and basic skills required to stay employed.
Talent Marketplace Signaling support:TalentMarketplaceSignaling
Service that enables employers to provide information that helps education and training providers align their offerings to current and future job opportunities.
Technology Lending support:TechnologyLending
Service that loans out technology equipment such as laptops, tablets, and other devices.
Test Assistance support:TestAssistance
Service that provides assistance for people who need help in reading or writing responses to test items.
Translation support:Translation
Service that provides spoken or written language translation.
For sign language, use Sign Language Service
Transportation support:Transportation
Service that provides or arranges transportation for people.
Tutoring support:Tutoring
Individualized or small group teaching.
Tutoring as a support service is normally provided as a supplement to a regular teaching program.
Vision Service support:VisionService
Health care and related services related to vision loss or impairment.

CTDL-ASN Classes

The following terms are Classes in the CTDL-ASN schema, listed alphabetically and grouped by their Class/Subclass hierarchies.

CTDL-ASN Classes with Subclasses

This section lists CTDL-ASN Classes with their Subclasses.


Concept skos:Concept
Term in a controlled vocabulary.
Progression Level asn:ProgressionLevel
Identifiable point along a developmental progression of competence, achievement or temporal position.

Concept Scheme

Concept Scheme skos:ConceptScheme
A controlled vocabulary.
Progression Model asn:ProgressionModel
Model of identifiable points along a developmental progression including increasing levels of competence, achievement or temporal position (e.g., "Second Quarter").

CTDL-ASN Classes without Subclasses

This section lists CTDL-ASN Subclasses which are not Subclasses of other CTDL-ASN Subclasses, and which do not have CTDL-ASN Subclasses of their own.

Competency ceasn:Competency
Measurable or observable knowledge, skill, or ability necessary to successful performance of a person.
Competency is broadly defined to include assertions of academic, professional, occupational, vocational and life goals, outcomes, and standards, however labeled.
Competency Framework ceasn:CompetencyFramework
Entity comprised of a logically related set of competencies.
A competency framework serves a container object for a set of competencies.
Criterion Level ceasn:CriterionLevel
An individual component or specific element within a criterion that defines a particular aspect or standard for evaluation.
Proficiency Scale ceasn:ProficiencyScale
The class of structured profiles describing discrete levels of expertise and performance mastery.
Proficiency scales define levels of performance (what a person does) as distinct from knowledge of specific information (what a person knows) and outline tasks a person can manage and the skills necessary to progressively accomplish explicit competencies at increasing levels of complexity. Proficiency scales: (1) assist in making judgments about the kinds of tasks related to a competency that a person is able to perform; and (2) to compare the abilities of different persons with regard to achievement of those competencies at different levels.
Rubric ceasn:Rubric
A structured and systematic evaluation tool used to assess performance, quality, and/or criteria.
Rubric Criterion ceasn:RubricCriterion
Resource providing explicit criteria for ensuring specific and measurable evaluation.
Rubric Level ceasn:RubricLevel
Level or quality indicator used with Rubric Criteria.

CTDL-ASN Properties

The following terms are Properties in the CTDL-ASN schema, listed alphabetically and grouped by their Property/Subproperty hierarchies.

CTDL-ASN Properties with Subproperties

This section lists CTDL-ASN Properties with their Subproperties.

Is Child Of

Is Child Of ceasn:isChildOf
The referenced resource is higher in some arbitrary hierarchy than this resource.
Is Top Child Of ceasn:isTopChildOf
Indicates that this competency is at the top of some arbitrary hierarchy.


Name ceasn:name
The name or title of this resource.
Competency Label ceasn:competencyLabel
Short identifying phrase or name applied to a competency by the creator of the competency framework.
Where such a label is the sole expression of the competency, enter the text as competencyText as opposed to competencyLabel.

Substantiating Resource

Substantiating Resource ceasn:substantiatingResource
Aspects of the referenced resource provide some justification that the resource being described is useful.
Substantiating Competency Framework ceasn:substantiatingCompetencyFramework
Aspects of the referenced Competency Framework provide some justification that the resource being described is useful.
Substantiating Credential ceasn:substantiatingCredential
Aspects of the referenced Credential provide some justification that the resource being described is useful.
Substantiating Job ceasn:substantiatingJob
Aspects of the referenced Job provide some justification that the resource being described is useful.
Substantiating Occupation ceasn:substantiatingOccupation
Aspects of the referenced Occupation provide some justification that the resource being described is useful.
Substantiating Organization ceasn:substantiatingOrganization
Aspects of the referenced Organization provide some justification that the resource being described is useful.
Substantiating Task ceasn:substantiatingTask
Aspects of the referenced Task provide some justification that the resource being described is useful.
Substantiating Work Role ceasn:substantiatingWorkRole
Aspects of the referenced Work Role provide some justification that the resource being described is useful.

In Scheme

In Scheme skos:inScheme
Concept scheme to which this concept belongs.
In Progression Model ceasn:inProgressionModel
Progression Model to which this Progression Level belongs.

CTDL-ASN Properties without Subproperties

This section lists CTDL-ASN Subproperties which are not Subproperties of other CTDL-ASN Subproperties, and which do not have CTDL-ASN Subproperties of their own.

Has Progression Level asn:hasProgressionLevel
Reference to a specific point in a progression model.
Has Progression Model asn:hasProgressionModel
Reference to a progression model used.
Ability Embodied ceasn:abilityEmbodied
Enduring attributes of the individual that influence performance are embodied either directly or indirectly in this resource.
The abilityEmbodied property may referenced a defined ability in an ontology such as O*NET or an existing competency defined in a competency framework.
Align From ceasn:alignFrom
A competency framework or competency from which this competency framework or competency is aligned.
An alignment is an assertion of some degree of equivalency between the subject and the object of the assertion.
Align To ceasn:alignTo
A competency framework or competency to which this competency framework or competency is aligned.
An alignment is an assertion of some degree of equivalency between the subject and the object of the assertion.
Alternative Coded Notation ceasn:altCodedNotation
An alphanumeric notation or ID code identifying this competency in common use among end-users.
Unlike the codedNotation property, the value for the altCodedNotation property need not be an official identifier created by the promulgating agency. It must be an identifier in common use among end-users of the competency. This property should be seldom used and only with a clear demonstration of need (i.e., in common use). For example, in the Common Core State Standards (Math) in the U.S., the official codedNotation of "CCSS.Math.Content.1.NBT.C.4" is abbreviated in common use by end-users to the unofficial altCodedNotation of "1.NBT.4".
Author ceasn:author
A person or organization chiefly responsible for the intellectual or artistic content of this competency framework or competency.
Benchmark Label ceasn:benchmarkLabel
Label for the level achieved as defined by the Rubric Criterion.
Benchmark Text ceasn:benchmarkText
Description of the level achieved as defined by the Rubric Criterion.
Broad Alignment ceasn:broadAlignment
The referenced competency covers all of the relevant concepts in this competency as well as relevant concepts not found in this competency.
Coded Notation ceasn:codedNotation
An alphanumeric notation or ID code as defined by the promulgating body to identify this resource.
This property should be used only for codes created by the promulgating body. For alternative competency notations in common use in the community of practice, but not endorsed by the promulgating body, the altCodedNotation property can be used (sparingly on clear evidence of common use and need).
Comment ceasn:comment
Supplemental text provided by the promulgating body that clarifies the nature, scope or use of this resource.
Use this property when the text provides useful context for this resource.
Competency Category ceasn:competencyCategory
The textual label identifying the category of the competency as designated by the promulgating body.
This property points to a class, not to instances of that class. For example, where two competencies in a competency framework have been identified respectively by the promulgating agency as "Strand: Renaissance" and "Strand: Social history", the statementLabel for both these competencies is "Strand".
Competency Text ceasn:competencyText
The text of the competency.
This property should be used to provide the actual text of the competency statement. To provide information about the competency other than the text itself, use the comment property.
Complexity Level ceasn:complexityLevel
The expected performance level of a learner or professional as defined by a competency.
Comprised Of ceasn:comprisedOf
This competency includes, comprehends or encompasses, in whole or in part, the meaning, nature or importance of the referenced competency.
Concept Keyword ceasn:conceptKeyword
A word or phrase used by the promulgating agency to refine and differentiate individual resources contextually.
This property should be used judiciously and in moderation. This property should be used only if an appropriate term does not exist in a controlled vocabulary.
Concept Term ceasn:conceptTerm
A term drawn from a controlled vocabulary used by the promulgating agency to refine and differentiate individual resources contextually.
Note: Topic terms can include relevant people, places, things, and events.
Creator ceasn:creator
An entity primarily responsible for making this resource.
The creator property is used with non-canonical statements created by a third party.
Cross-Subject Reference ceasn:crossSubjectReference
A relationship between this competency and a competency in a separate competency framework.
An interdisciplinary statement reference.
Date Copyrighted ceasn:dateCopyrighted
Date of a statement of copyright for this resource, such as ©2017.
Date Created ceasn:dateCreated
Date of creation of this resource.
The dateCreated property is used for non-canonical statements created by a third party.
Date Modified ceasn:dateModified
The date on which this resource was most recently modified in some way.
Date Valid From ceasn:dateValidFrom
Beginning date of validity of this resource.
Where the resource is valid for a given period of time, use both the dateValidFrom and dateValidUntil properties.
Date Valid Until ceasn:dateValidUntil
End date of validity of this resource.
Where the resource is valid for a given period of time, use both the dateValidFrom and dateValidUntil properties.
Derived From ceasn:derivedFrom
The entity being described has been modified, extended or refined from the referenced resource.
Description ceasn:description
A short description of this resource.
Education Level Type ceasn:educationLevelType
A general statement describing the education or training context. Alternatively, a more specific statement of the location of the audience in terms of its progression through an education or training context.
Best practice is to use terms from the http://purl.org/ctdl/terms/AudienceLevel concept scheme.
Evaluator Type ceasn:evaluatorType
Type of evaluator; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
Exact Alignment ceasn:exactAlignment
The relevant concepts in this competency and the referenced competency are coextensive.
Feedback ceasn:feedback
Predefined feedback text for the benefit of the subject being evaluated.
This may include guidance and suggestions for improvement or development.
Has Child ceasn:hasChild
The referenced resource is lower in some arbitrary hierarchy than this resource.
This property identifies a child node in the downward path in the chain of resources in a taxon path.
Has Criterion Category ceasn:hasCriterionCategory
Indicates a Concept for clustering logical sets of Rubric Criteria.
Has Criterion Category Set ceasn:hasCriterionCategorySet
Indicates the Concept Scheme for clustering logical sets of Rubric Criteria.
Has Criterion Level ceasn:hasCriterionLevel
Criterion Level for this resource.
Has Rubric Criterion ceasn:hasRubricCriterion
Explicit criterion for ensuring specific and measurable evaluation.
Has Rubric Level ceasn:hasRubricLevel
Resource describing a level or quality indicator used with Rubric Criteria.
Has Scope ceasn:hasScope
Description of what the rubric's creator intended to assess or evaluate.
Has Top Child ceasn:hasTopChild
Top-level child competency of a competency framework.
Identifier ceasn:identifier
An alternative URI by which this competency framework or competency is identified.
Inferred Competency ceasn:inferredCompetency
Competency deduced or arrive at by reasoning on the competency being described.
In Language ceasn:inLanguage
The primary language used in or by this resource.
This is the language the text is primarily written in, even if it makes use of other languages. For example, a competency for teaching spanish to english-speaking students would primarily be in english, because that is the language used to convey the material.
Is Part Of ceasn:isPartOf
Competency framework that this competency is a part of.
This property does not indicate whether or not this statement is a top-level statement in the referenced competency framework; only that it is in some way a part of that framework. To indicate that this statement is a top-level statement, use both this property and the isChildOf property.
Is Version Of ceasn:isVersionOf
A related competency of which this competency is a version, edition, or adaptation.
Changes in version imply substantive changes in content rather than differences in format.
Knowledge Embodied ceasn:knowledgeEmbodied
Body of information embodied either directly or indirectly in this resource.
License ceasn:license
A legal document giving official permission to do something with this resource.
Value must be the URI to a license document (e.g., Creative Commons license or bespoke license).
List ID ceasn:listID
An alphanumeric string indicating the relative position of a resource in an ordered list of resources such as "A", "B", or "a", "b", or "I", "II", or "1", "2".
Punctuation accompanying alphanumeric strings should not be included.
Local Subject ceasn:localSubject
The text string denoting the subject of the competency framework or competency as designated by the promulgating agency.
The localSubject property and subject property may or may not point to the same subject. If so, enter the text string for the subject as the value of this property and the URI for that subject in the subject property.
Major Alignment ceasn:majorAlignment
Major overlap of relevant concepts between this competency and the referenced competency.
Minor Alignment ceasn:minorAlignment
Minor overlap of relevant concepts between this competency and the referenced competency.
Narrow Alignment ceasn:narrowAlignment
This competency covers all of the relevant concepts in the referenced competency as well as relevant concepts not found in the referenced competency.
Prerequisite Alignment ceasn:prerequisiteAlignment
The referenced resource is a prerequisite to this resource.
Publication Status Type ceasn:publicationStatusType
The publication status of the resource.
With competencies that originate as part of a competency framework that includes an applicable publication status, it is not necessary to include that status on every competency in the framework.
Publisher ceasn:publisher
An agent responsible for making this resource available.
Also referred to as the promulgating agency of the entity.
Publisher Name ceasn:publisherName
Name of an agent responsible for making this resource available.
Also referred to as the promulgating agency of the entity.
Repository Date ceasn:repositoryDate
The date this competency framework was added to the repository.
Rights ceasn:rights
Information about rights held in and over this resource.
Rights Holder ceasn:rightsHolder
An agent owning or managing rights over this resource.
Should Index ceasn:shouldIndex
Indicates whether correlators should or should not assign the competency during correlation.
Skill Embodied ceasn:skillEmbodied
Ability to apply knowledge and use know-how to complete tasks and solve problems including types or categories of developed proficiency or dexterity in mental operations and physical processes is embodied either directly or indirectly in this resource.
The skillEmbodied property may reference a defined skill in an ontology such as O*NET or an existing competency defined in a competency framework.
Source ceasn:source
The original competency framework which this resource is based on or derived from.
Source Documentation ceasn:sourceDocumentation
Human-readable information resource other than a competency framework from which this resource was generated or identified by humans or machines.
The intended use case for this is when documentation is analyzed in order to find and describe entities such as competencies and concepts.
Table of Contents ceasn:tableOfContents
A list of sub-units of this competency framework.
The table of contents is a "manifest", or a hierarchic, ordered, syntactic representation of the competencies that are part of this competency framework.
Task Embodied ceasn:taskEmbodied
Specifically defined piece of work embodied either directly or indirectly in this resource.
Weight ceasn:weight
An asserted measurement of the weight, degree, percent, or strength of a recommendation, requirement, or comparison.
Best practice is to assign a decimal value weight between 0 and 1 that indicates the strength of the assertion, with 0 being weakest and 1 being strongest.
CTID ceterms:ctid
Globally unique Credential Transparency Identifier (CTID) by which the creator, owner or provider of a resource recognizes it in transactions with the external environment (e.g., in verifiable claims involving the resource).
The CTID is the equivalent of a version identifier for the resource. Different versions of a resource are considered distinct expressions and each must be assigned its own CTID. Each version of a resource can have only one CTID assigned. However, a single version of a resource may have distinct identifier values for both the ctid property and the credentialId property. In such a case both identifiers will be recognized by the resource creator/owner/provider in transactions with the external environment.
Industry Type ceterms:industryType
Type of industry; select from an existing enumeration of such types such as the SIC, NAICS, and ISIC classifications.
Best practice in identifying industries for U.S. resources is to provide the NAICS code using the ceterms:naics property. Other resources may use the ceterms:industrytype property and any framework of the class ceterms:IndustryClassification.
Instructional Program Type ceterms:instructionalProgramType
Type of instructional program; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
For U.S. credentials, best practice is to use a framework such as the CIP (Classification of Instructional Programs). Other credentials may use any framework of the class CTDL InstructionalProgramClassification.
Occupation Type ceterms:occupationType
Type of occupation; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
For U.S. resources, best practice is to identify an occupation using a framework such as the ONet. Other resources may use any framework of the class ceterms:OccupationClassification, such as the EU's ESCO, ISCO-08, and SOC 2010.
Alternative Label skos:altLabel
Non-preferred label for the concept used to relate a concept synonym to the preferred label.
Broader skos:broader
Concept that is broader in some way than this concept.
Broad Match skos:broadMatch
Assertion indicates that the referenced concept is broader in some way than this concept.
Change Note skos:changeNote
Text describing a significant change to the concept.
Close Match skos:closeMatch
Assertion indicates that two concepts are sufficiently similar that they can be used interchangeably.
Definition skos:definition
Supplies a complete explanation of the intended meaning of a concept.
Exact Match skos:exactMatch
Indicates semantic similarity denoting an even higher degree of closeness than skos:closeMatch.
Has Top Concept skos:hasTopConcept
Concept of the scheme at the top of a hierarchy of narrower concepts.
Hidden Label skos:hiddenLabel
Label not intended for public presentation but to assist applications in disambiguating searcher intent - e.g., hidden labels can be used for common misspelling or a colloquial expression.
Narrower skos:narrower
Concept that is narrower in some way than this concept.
Narrow Match skos:narrowMatch
Assertion indicates that the referenced concept is narrower in some way than this concept.
Notation skos:notation
Alphanumeric notation or ID code as defined by the promulgating body to identify this resource.
Note skos:note
Annotations to the concept for purposes of general documentation.
Preferred Label skos:prefLabel
Preferred language-tagged label representing this concept.
Related skos:related
Assertion indicating an associative, non-hierarchical relationship between the two concepts where neither is broader nor narrower than the other.
Top Concept Of skos:topConceptOf
Concept scheme for which this concept is a top node in a hierarchy of concepts.

CTDL-ASN Concept Schemes and Concepts

The following terms are Concept Schemes and Concepts in the CTDL-ASN schema, listed alphabetically and grouped by their Concept/Subconcept hierarchies.

Evaluator Category

Evaluator Category ceasn:EvaluatorCategory
Category of agents that perform evaluation.
Concepts for this Scheme:
Authority evalCat:Authority
Evaluator is an agent with authority over the person, group, or thing being evaluated in the relevant context.
Examples include teachers, supervisors, managers, or others with positions over the person or group being evaluated.
Automated evalCat:Automated
Evaluator is an automated agent or process.
External evalCat:External
Evaluator is an agent who is outside the context of the person, group, or thing being evaluated.
Evaluator is typically independent of the person, group, or thing being evaluated.
Peer evalCat:Peer
Evaluator is one or more peers of the person, group, or thing being evaluated.
Peers may be people taking the same course or in similar job roles.
Self evalCat:Self
Evaluator is the person or group being evaluated.

Publication Status Concept Scheme

Publication Status Concept Scheme ceasn:PublicationStatus
Describes the various publication statuses of competency frameworks and statements.
Concepts for this Scheme:
Deprecated publicationStatus:Deprecated
Status assigned to a document/statement by the promulgating agency asserting that the document/statement has been superseded or its use otherwise disfavored.
Draft publicationStatus:Draft
A status assigned to all documents/statements during development.
Draft documents and statements should not be displayed to anyone other than their owners and relevant administrators.
Published publicationStatus:Published
Status assigned to all documents that have been published.

QData Classes

The following terms are Classes in the QData schema, listed alphabetically and grouped by their Class/Subclass hierarchies.

QData Classes without Subclasses

This section lists QData Subclasses which are not Subclasses of other QData Subclasses, and which do not have QData Subclasses of their own.

Credential ceterms:Credential
Qualification, achievement, personal or organizational quality, or aspect of an identity typically used to indicate suitability.
The ceterms:Credential class is broadly defined to encompass credentials used across domains and communities of practice. The class should be used only when speaking of credentials in general. Subclasses of ceterms:Credential as defined by Credential Engine (or other communities) should be used when referencing specific types of credentials.
Earnings Profile ceterms:EarningsProfile
Entity that describes earning and related statistical information for a given credential.
The use of ceterms:AggregateDataProfile instead of this class is strongly recommended.
Employment Outcome Profile ceterms:EmploymentOutcomeProfile
Entity that describes employment outcomes and related statistical information for a given credential.
The use of ceterms:AggregateDataProfile instead of this class is strongly recommended.
Holders Profile ceterms:HoldersProfile
Entity describing the count and related statistical information of holders of a given credential.
The use of ceterms:AggregateDataProfile instead of this class is strongly recommended.
Jurisdiction Profile ceterms:JurisdictionProfile
Geo-political information about applicable geographic areas and their exceptions.
Place ceterms:Place
Entity describing a physical location or geospatial area.
Process Profile ceterms:ProcessProfile
Entity describing the type, nature, and other relevant information about a process related to a credential.
Data Profile qdata:DataProfile
Entity describing the attributes of the data set, its subjects and their values.
Data Set Distribution qdata:DataSetDistribution
A specific representation of a dataset.
Data Set Profile qdata:DataSetProfile
Particular characteristics or properties of a data set and its records.
Data Set Service qdata:DataSetService
A service that provides access to one or more datasets or data processing functions.
Data Set Time Frame qdata:DataSetTimeFrame
Time frame including earnings and employment start and end dates of the data set.
Dimension qdata:Dimension
Aspect or characteristic along which observations in a dataset can be organized and identified.
Metric qdata:Metric
What is being measured and the method of measurement used for observations within a data set.
Observation qdata:Observation
Data within a dataset defined by specific values for all relevant dimensions and associated with measured values.
Monetary Amount schema:MonetaryAmount
Monetary value or range.
Monetary Amount Distribution schema:MonetaryAmountDistribution
Statistical distribution of monetary amounts.
Quantitative Value schema:QuantitativeValue
Point value for cohort characteristics and other purposes.

QData Properties

The following terms are Properties in the QData schema, listed alphabetically and grouped by their Property/Subproperty hierarchies.

QData Properties with Subproperties

This section lists QData Properties with their Subproperties.

Earnings Distribution

Earnings Distribution qdata:earningsDistribution
Reference to an entity describing median earnings as well as earnings at various percentiles.
Regional Earnings Distribution qdata:regionalEarningsDistribution
Reference to an entity describing median earnings as well as earnings at various percentiles for holders or subjects in the region.

Employment Rate

Employment Rate qdata:employmentRate
Rate computed by dividing the number of holders or subjects meeting the data set's criteria of employment (meetEmploymentCriteria) by the number of holders or subjects for which data was available (dataAvailable).
Regional Employment Rate qdata:regionalEmploymentRate
Rate computed by dividing the number of holders or subjects in the region meeting the data set's criteria of employment (meetEmploymentCriteria) by the number of holders or subjects in the region for which data was available (dataAvailable).

QData Properties without Subproperties

This section lists QData Subproperties which are not Subproperties of other QData Subproperties, and which do not have QData Subproperties of their own.

Administration Process ceterms:administrationProcess
Description of a process by which a resource is administered.
Processes described include the execution of events and the development of resources in the lifecycle of a credential or organization, such as the process for the proctoring of assessments.
For assessments and rubrics, this can be used to indicate the scoring algorithm.
Alternate Name ceterms:alternateName
Alias for the entity including acronyms, alpha-numeric notations, and other forms of name abbreviations in common use such as PhD, MA, and BA.
CTID ceterms:ctid
Globally unique Credential Transparency Identifier (CTID) by which the creator, owner or provider of a resource recognizes it in transactions with the external environment (e.g., in verifiable claims involving the resource).
The CTID is the equivalent of a version identifier for the resource. Different versions of a resource are considered distinct expressions and each must be assigned its own CTID. Each version of a resource can have only one CTID assigned. However, a single version of a resource may have distinct identifier values for both the ctid property and the credentialId property. In such a case both identifiers will be recognized by the resource creator/owner/provider in transactions with the external environment.
Description ceterms:description
Statement, characterization or account of the entity.
Earnings ceterms:earnings
Entity describing aggregate credential holder earnings data.
The use of ceterms:aggregateData instead of this property is strongly recommended.
Employment Outcome ceterms:employmentOutcome
Entity describing aggregate data on jobs obtained with the credential by occupation and industry for a given period of time in a specific region.
The use of ceterms:aggregateData instead of this property is strongly recommended.
End Date ceterms:endDate
Date some event or activity ends.
External Input Type ceterms:externalInputType
Types of external stakeholders that provide input to an entity's processes or resources; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
Best practice for developing credential descriptions for the Credential Engine Registry is to use the ceterms:ExternalInput vocabulary.
Geographic URI ceterms:geoURI
Entity that describes the longitude, latitude and other location details of a place.
This may define a place at any scale. Examples include a city, state, province, country, or continent.
It is recommended to use services such as http://www.geonames.org to provide values for this property.
Instructional Program Type ceterms:instructionalProgramType
Type of instructional program; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
For U.S. credentials, best practice is to use a framework such as the CIP (Classification of Instructional Programs). Other credentials may use any framework of the class CTDL InstructionalProgramClassification.
Jurisdiction ceterms:jurisdiction
Geographic or political region in which the credential is formally applicable or an organization has authority to act.
Jurisdiction Exception ceterms:jurisdictionException
Geographic or political region in which the credential is not formally recognized or an organization has no authority to act .
The ceterms:jurisdictionalException property is used in conjunction with the ceterms:jurisdiction property and expresses any exceptions to a more general statement; e.g., the United states except for Colorado.
Latitude ceterms:latitude
Latitude of a location.
For example 37.42242 (WGS 84)
Longitude ceterms:longitude
The longitude of a location.
For example -122.08585 (WGS 84).
Main Jurisdiction ceterms:mainJurisdiction
Primary geographic or political region in which the credential is recognized as applicable or in which an organization has recognized authority to act.
Name ceterms:name
Name or title of the resource.
Process Frequency ceterms:processFrequency
Interval of process occurence.
Processing Agent ceterms:processingAgent
Organization or person performing the process.
Process Method ceterms:processMethod
Webpage or online document that describes the process methods.
Process Method Description ceterms:processMethodDescription
Textual description of the process methods.
Source URL ceterms:source
Authoritative source of an entity's information.
Citation or description of an authoritative source from which information or description has been derived.
Start Date ceterms:startDate
Date the validity or usefulness of the information in this resource begins.
Verification Method Description ceterms:verificationMethodDescription
Textual description of the methods used to evaluate an assessment, learning opportunity, process or verificaiton service for validity or reliability.
Adjustment qdata:adjustment
Describes whether and how the Observations have been adjusted for relevant factors.
Examples of factors include inflation, participant demographics, economic conditions, etc.
At Point qdata:atPoint
A point in a Dimension that represents a resource or factor relevant to this Observation.
Conforms To qdata:conformsTo
An established standard to which the described resource conforms.
Data Attributes qdata:dataAttributes
Attributes of the data set.
Data Available qdata:dataAvailable
Number of credential holders in the reporting group for which employment and earnings data is included in the data set.
Data Collection Method Type qdata:dataCollectionMethodType
Type of method by which the data was collected.
Data Not Available qdata:dataNotAvailable
Number of credential holders in the reporting group for which employment and earnings data has not been included in the data set.
Data Provider qdata:dataProvider
Credentialing organization or a third party providing the data.
Data Set Spatial Coverage qdata:dataSetSpatialCoverage
Location or geographic area for a data set.
Data Set Temporal Coverage qdata:dataSetTemporalCoverage
Time period covered by the data.
Data Set Time Period qdata:dataSetTimePeriod
Short- and long-term post-award reporting intervals including start and end dates.
Data Source Coverage Type qdata:dataSourceCoverageType
Type of geographic coverage of the subjects.
Data Suppression Policy qdata:dataSuppressionPolicy
Description of a data suppression policy for earnings and employment data when cell size is below a certain threshold to ensure an individual's privacy and security.
Data Withholding Type qdata:dataWithholdingType
Type of suppression, masking, or other modification made to the data to protect the identities of its subjects.
Demographic Earnings Rate qdata:demographicEarningsRate
Earnings rate for a demographic category.
demographicEmploymentRate qdata:demographicEmploymentRate
Employment rate for a demographic category.
Dimension Type qdata:dimensionType
Type of resource that may be a point in the dimension; select from existing classes and concept schemes.
Items in a dimension will typically be instances of CTDL classes or concepts drawn from a CTDL concept scheme.
Earnings Amount qdata:earningsAmount
Reference to an entity describing aggregate earnings.
Earnings Definition qdata:earningsDefinition
Definition of "earnings" used by the data source.
Earnings Threshold qdata:earningsThreshold
Statement of any work time or earnings threshold used in determining whether a sufficient level of workforce attachment has been achieved to qualify as employed during the time period of the data set.
Employment Definition qdata:employmentDefinition
Definition of employment used by the data source.
Employment Outlook qdata:employmentOutlook
Projected employment estimate.
Faculty-to-Student Ratio qdata:facultyToStudentRatio
Ratio of the number of teaching faculty to the number of students.
What constitutes "teaching faculty" is determined by the Organization and may include anyone with a significant, direct instructional role in interactions with students in learning activities.
The expression of the ratio should feature the number of faculty first, followed by the number of students, e.g., "1:10" to mean "one faculty per ten students".
Has Data Set Distribution qdata:hasDataSetDistribution
A representation of the data set.
Has Data Set Service qdata:hasDataSetService
A means of accessing one or more data sets or data processing functions.
Has Dimension qdata:hasDimension
A set of resources or concepts to which the metric is applied or which affect the observation of the metric.
The metric may be applied to or affected by resources such as credential earned, industry of employment, year of graduation, location etc.
Has Metric qdata:hasMetric
What the observations measure and details of the method used.
Has Observation qdata:hasObservation
The recorded data.
Has Point qdata:hasPoint
Identifies a specific entity in a Dimension.
The value of this property will be a resource with any type, e.g. skos:Concept, ceterms:Credential (or any subclass thereof), ceterms:Industry, ceterms:Place, etc.
Holders In Set qdata:holdersInSet
Number of credential holders in the final data collection and reporting.
Income Determination Type qdata:incomeDeterminationType
Mechanism by which income is determined; i.e., actual or annualized earnings; select from an enumeration of such types.
Industry Rate qdata:industryRate
Employment rate for an industry category.
Insufficient Employment Criteria qdata:insufficientEmploymentCriteria
Number of holders that do not meet the prescribed employment threshold in terms of earnings or time engaged in work as defined for the data set (employmentDefinition).
Is Observation Of qdata:isObservationOf
Indicates the metric used for this Observation.
Max Percentage qdata:maxPercentage
The upper percentage of some characteristic or property.
Best practice is to treat the value of this property as a verbatim percentage; for example, a value of 1.5 should be interpreted as 1.5%
Mean qdata:mean
Mean value.
Median qdata:median
Median value.
Media Type qdata:mediaType
A file format or physical medium.
Meet Employment Criteria qdata:meetEmploymentCriteria
Number of holders that meet the prescribed employment threshold in terms of earnings or time engaged in work as defined for the data set (employmentDefinition).
Metric Type qdata:metricType
Type of phenomenon being measured; select from an existing enumeration of such types.
Min Percentage qdata:minPercentage
The lower percentage of some characteristic or property.
Best practice is to treat the value of this property as a verbatim percentage; for example, a value of 1.5 should be interpreted as 1.5%
Non-Completers qdata:nonCompleters
Non-holders who departed or are likely to depart higher education prematurely.
Non-Holders In Set qdata:nonHoldersInSet
Non-holder subject actively pursuing the credential through a program or assessment.
Occupation Rate qdata:occupationRate
Employment rate for an occupation category.
Pass Rate qdata:passRate
Rate computed by dividing the number of subjects passing an assessment by the total number taking the assessment.
When data is available, record both the percentage and the number of subjects who passed the assessment.
Percentage qdata:percentage
Quotient of two values of the data set, expressed as a percentage.
Best practice is to treat the value of this property as a verbatim percentage; for example, a value of 1.5 should be interpreted as 1.5%
Percentile 10 qdata:percentile10
10th percentile value.
Percentile 25 qdata:percentile25
25th percentile value.
Percentile 75 qdata:percentile75
75th percentile value.
Percentile 90 qdata:percentile90
90th percentile value.
Record Type qdata:recordType
Type of record used to source the data.
Examples include various official records and self-reporting via a survey.
Related Employment qdata:relatedEmployment
Number of people employed in the area of work (e.g., industry, occupation) in which the credential provided preparation.
Relevant Data Set qdata:relevantDataSet
Data Set on which earnings or employment data is based.
Relevant Data Set For qdata:relevantDataSetFor
Data set for the entity being referenced.
Size of Data qdata:sizeOfData
Number of subjects from the population for which data was obtained to calculate the observed value.
For the number of subjects in the sample for which no data was available use sizeOfNoData, and for the total number of subjects available use sizeOfPopulation.
Size of No Data qdata:sizeOfNoData
Number of subjects in the sample for which no data was obtained.
This is relevant for surveys or other forms of data gathering where a bias may be introduced by non-response or similar omissions.
For the number of subjects for which data was available, use sizeOfData, and for the total number of subjects available use sizeOfPopulation.
Size of Population qdata:sizeOfPopulation
The total number of subjects in the relevant population.
For the number of subjects for which data was available, use sizeOfData, and for the number of subjects for which no data was available, use sizeOfNoData.
Standard Deviation qdata:standardDeviation
Standard deviation about the mean.
Subject Excluded qdata:subjectExcluded
Category of subject excluded from the data.
Subject Identification qdata:subjectIdentification
Identification of data point(s) in the data set that describe personal subject attribute(s) used to uniquely identify a subject for the purpose of matching records and an indication of level of confidence in the accuracy of the match.
Subjects In Set qdata:subjectsInSet
Total credential holders and non-holders in the final data collection and reporting.
Subject Type qdata:subjectType
Type of subject included or excluded from the data set.
Subject Value qdata:subjectValue
Quantitative values and percentages for a subject category in the data set.
Sufficient Employment Criteria qdata:sufficientEmploymentCriteria
Number of holders that meet the prescribed employment threshold in terms of earnings or time engaged in work as defined for the data set (employmentDefinition).
Time Interval qdata:timeInterval
Length of the interval between two events.
Total WIOA Completers qdata:totalWIOACompleters
Total participants who completed the WIOA program, successfully or unsuccessfully.
Total WIOA Exiters qdata:totalWIOAExiters
Total participants who successfully completed the WIOA program and exited WIOA.
Total WIOA Participants qdata:totalWIOAParticipants
Total participants in the WIOA program.
Unrelated Employment qdata:unrelatedEmployment
Number of people employed outside the area of work (e.g., industry, occupation) in which the credential provided preparation.
Work Time Threshold qdata:workTimeThreshold
Statement of earnings thresholds used in determining whether a sufficient level of workforce attachment has been achieved to qualify as employed during the chosen employment and earnings time period.
About schema:about
Subject matter of the resource.
Currency schema:currency
Currency abbreviation (e.g., USD).
Description schema:description
A description of the item.
Max Value schema:maxValue
Upper value of some characteristic or property.
Min Value schema:minValue
Lower value of some characteristic or property.
Unit Text schema:unitText
Word or phrase indicating the unit of measure.
Value schema:value
Value of a monetary amount or a quantitative value.

QData Concept Schemes and Concepts

The following terms are Concept Schemes and Concepts in the QData schema, listed alphabetically and grouped by their Concept/Subconcept hierarchies.

Administrative Record Category

Administrative Record Category qdata:AdministrativeRecordCategory
Categories of administrative records.
Concepts for this Scheme:
United States 1099 Tax Document adminRecord:Tax1099
United States Federal tax form that an entity or person other than an employer provides stating earnings paid an individual.
United States W-2 Tax Document adminRecord:TaxW2
United States Official Wage and Tax Statement that reports an employee's annual wages and the amount of taxes withheld from their paycheck by an employer.
Unemployment Insurance adminRecord:UnemploymentInsurance
Contain the earnings reported by employers (typically on a quarterly basis) to state unemployment insurance agencies for each employee.

Collection Method

Collection Method qdata:CollectionMethod
Categories of methods for collecting data.
Concepts for this Scheme:
Administrative Record Matching collectionMethod:AdministrativeRecordMatching
Data derived from cross-mapping unambiguous identifiers from more than one government administrative data sets.
Credential Holder Reporting collectionMethod:CredentialHolderReporting
Data derived through credential holder self-reporting.
Credential Holder Survey collectionMethod:CredentialHolderSurvey
Data derived through surveying holders.
Supplemental Method collectionMethod:SupplementalMethod
Additional method used to augment administrative, self-reported or survey data.
Supplemental Source collectionMethod:SupplementalSource
Agent providing data augmenting administrative, self-reported or survey data.

Data Source Coverage

Data Source Coverage qdata:DataSourceCoverage
Categories of geographic coverage.
Concepts for this Scheme:
Country sourceCoverage:Country
Nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory such as the United States of America, Germany and France.
Global sourceCoverage:Global
Encompassing the entire world.
Region sourceCoverage:Region
Non-governmental, named geographic area, such as Silicon Valley, that is not necessarily coincident with the boundaries of a country or administrative subdivision thereof.
State Or Province sourceCoverage:StateOrProvince
Principal administrative and occasionally sovereign subdivision of a country such as California, Bavaria, and Yucatan.
Urban Area sourceCoverage:UrbanArea
Urban area that has a name, defined boundaries, and local government such as a city, town, or village.

Data Withholding Category

Data Withholding Category qdata:DataWithholdingCategory
Categories of processes for withholding data in a data set.
Concepts for this Scheme:
Data Masked dataWithholding:DataMasked
Select information concealed or encrypted to protect the identities of subjects.
Data Suppressed dataWithholding:DataSuppressed
Select information withheld or removed to protect the identities of subjects.

Demographic Category

Demographic Category qdata:DemographicCategory
Classification of various means (such as classification schemes) used to describe and categorize subjects in a population.
Concepts for this Scheme:
Accommodation demoCat:Accommodation
Means of indicating the subjects' use of services or resources for equal access.
Age demoCat:Age
Means of indicating the age of subjects, typically categorized into age groups.
Benefits demoCat:Benefits
Means of indicating whether subjects receive public or other benefits.
Dependency Responsibility demoCat:DependencyResponsibility
Means of indicating the caring responsibilities of subjects, such as for dependents or other family members.
Disability demoCat:Disability
Means of indicating whether subjects have a disability, including physical, sensory, cognitive, mental health, or learning disabilities, recognizing both visible and invisible disabilities.
Education Level demoCat:EducationLevel
Means of indicating the highest level of education completed by subjects.
Employment demoCat:Employment
Means of indicating the employment status of subjects.
Ethnicity demoCat:Ethnicity
Means of indicating the ethnicity of subjects, reflecting their cultural identity.
Family Educational Background demoCat:FamilyEducationalBackground
Means of indicating the educational background of a subject's family, for example whether subjects are the first in their family to attend higher education institutions.
Gender demoCat:Gender
Means of indicating the gender identity of subjects, which can include male, female, and other gender identities.
Housing demoCat:Housing
Means of indicating whether subjects are housed or experiencing housing instability.
Income demoCat:Income
Means of indicating the financial stability of subjects.
Language demoCat:Language
Means of indicating the primary language spoken by subjects.
Literacy demoCat:Literacy
Means of indicating the literacy level of subjects, including reading and writing skills.
Marital Status demoCat:MaritalStatus
Means of indicating the marital status of subjects.
Military Status demoCat:MilitaryStatus
Means of indicating the status of being associated with military service, either personally or through family.
Race demoCat:Race
Means of indicating the race / ethnicity of subjects, categorized according to widely recognized standards.
Residency demoCat:Residency
Means of indicating where subjects live.
Skills demoCat:Skills
Means of indicating the type or nature of skills acquired by subjects, including both hard and soft skills.

Income Determination Method

Income Determination Method qdata:IncomeDeterminationMethod
Methods for determining the actual or anticipated annual earnings of the subjects in the data set.
Concepts for this Scheme:
Actual Earnings incomeDetermination:ActualEarnings
Earnings garnered over the entire reported time period of the data set.
Annualized Earnings incomeDetermination:AnnualizedEarnings
Calculated annual earnings based on reported earnings for a stated period shorter than the reported time period of the data set.

Metric Category

Metric Category qdata:MetricCategory
Types of metrics applicable to an Observation.
Concepts for this Scheme:
Activity and Earnings metricCat:ActivityEarnings
Measurement of subjects' activity and employment status, income, wages, salaries, time to secure employment, and related rates.
Career Advancement metricCat:CareerAdvancement
Measurement of the impact of educational or work preparation activities or resources on subjects' career advancement opportunities.
Earnings metricCat:Earnings
Measurement of the income subjects receive from all forms of work.
Employment metricCat:Employment
Measurement of the status of subjects being engaged with paid work.
Time To Employment metricCat:TimeToEmployment
Measurement of the duration between subjects completing an educational or training program to secure paid work.
Cost and Duration metricCat:CostDuration
Measurement of the financial costs and time required for subjects to participate in and complete educational or work preparation activities or resources.
Direct Cost metricCat:DirectCost
Measurement of costs charged for subjects to participate in an organization or an educational or work preparation activity or resource.
Total Cost of Participation metricCat:ParticipationCost
Measurement of all costs incurred directly or indirectly by a subject as a result of participation in an organization or an educational or work preparation activity or resource.
Education and Work Preparation Cost metricCat:PreparationCost
Measurement of the cost for a subject to participate in an organization or an educational or work preparation activity or resource.
Education and Work Preparation Duration metricCat:PreparationDuration
Measurement of the period of time to complete an educational or work preparation activity or resource.
Job, Industry and Occupation metricCat:JobIndustryOccupation
Measurement of employment and earnings in industries or occupational areas.
High-Skill Occupation metricCat:HighSkillOccupation
Measurement of the number of subjects employed in a high-skill occupation.
High Wage Occupation metricCat:HighWageOccupation
Measurement of the number of subjects employed in a high-wage occupation.
In-demand Occupation metricCat:InDemandOccupation
Measurement of the number of subjects employed in a high-demand occupation.
Industry Employment metricCat:IndustryEmployment
Measurement of the number of subjects employed within an industry.
Industry Growth metricCat:IndustryGrowth
Measurement of the growth rate of an industry.
Job Openings metricCat:JobOpenings
Measurement of the number of job openings.
Occupation Employment metricCat:OccupationEmployment
Measurement of the number of subjects employed in an occupational area.
Occupation Growth metricCat:OccupationGrowth
Measure the growth rate of an occupational area.
Organization metricCat:Organization
Measurement of organizational support, advisor and faculty availability, benefits received by subjects, and the acceptance of prior learning.
Benefits Received metricCat:BenefitsReceived
Measurement of the benefits received by subjects.
Credential metricCat:Credential
Measurement of the awarding, offering, and value of credentials obtained by subjects in educational or work preparation programs.
Credential Awarded metricCat:CredentialAwarded
Measurement of individual credentials awarded to subjects.
Credential Types Offered metricCat:CredentialTypesOffered
Measurement of the types of credential available for award.
Credential Value metricCat:CredentialValue
Measurement of the value of credentials available or awarded to subjects.
Learner to Advisor metricCat:LearnerToAdvisor
Measurement of the number of learners per available advisor.
Learner to Faculty metricCat:LearnerToFaculty
Measurement of the number of learners per available faculty.
Support metricCat:Support
Measurement of the support offered by the resource available for subjects.
Transfer Value metricCat:TransferValue
Measurement of the acceptance rate of subjects' prior learning towards an educational or work preparation activity or resource.
Participation and Engagement metricCat:ParticipationEngagement
Measurement of subjects' active involvement, admission, enrollment, and re-enrollment in specified education or work preparation activities or resources.
Acceptance metricCat:Acceptance
Measurement of subjects who are admitted to an organization or its educational or work preparation activity or resource after completing the application process.
Access metricCat:Access
Measurement of subjects who access educational or work activities or resources.
Credit Transfer metricCat:CreditTransfer
Measurement of credits earned prior to enrollment transferred to another educational program.
Enrollment metricCat:Enrollment
Measurement of subjects who enroll in an organization or its specified education or work preparation activity or resource.
Prior Learning metricCat:PriorLearning
Measurement of the recognition and assessment of subjects' existing knowledge and skills to potentially fulfill certain requirements for a work preparation activity or resource.
Re-Enrollment metricCat:ReEnrollment
Measurement of eligible subjects who re-enroll in an organization or its specified education or work activity or resource.
Performance metricCat:Performance
Measurement of subjects' achievement, including completion requirements, proficiency, placement in work or further education, and measurable skills gains in educational or work preparation activities or resources.
Concentrator metricCat:Concentrator
Measurement of subjects within a single educational program who meet completion requirements related to a specific workforce preparation program of study.
Employer Satisfaction metricCat:EmployerSatisfaction
Measurement of the satisfaction of employers with the performance of subjects from educational or work preparation activity or resource.
Placement metricCat:Placement
Measurement of subjects who advance from an education or work preparation activity to work, military, or a higher-level program.
Skills Proficiency metricCat:SkillsProficiency
Measurement of subjects' proficiency within an educational or work preparation activity or resource.
Student Satisfaction metricCat:StudentSatisfaction
Measurement of the level of satisfaction subjects have with their educational or work preparation programs.
Retention and Completion metricCat:RetentionCompletion
Measurement of subjects' persistence, discontinuation, completion, credential attainment, and highest level of education achieved in educational or work activities or resources.
Completion metricCat:Completion
Measurement of subjects who do or don't meet completion requirements for a specified education or work activity or resource.
Credential Attainment metricCat:CredentialAttainment
Measurement of subjects who do or don't attain a credential.
Education Level metricCat:EducationLevel
Measurement of subjects' highest level of education achieved.
Pass Rate metricCat:PassRate
Measurement of the proportion of subjects who have passed the relevant program, education, or workforce preparation activity or resource.
Progression metricCat:Progression
Measurement of subjects who progress in a particular organization or its educational or work preparation activity or resource.
Retention metricCat:Retention
Measurement of subjects who continue or persist in a particular organization or its educational or work preparation activity or resource.
Student Financial metricCat:StudentFinancial
Measurement of financial assistance, student funding sources, and various aspects of student loans and debt related to educational or work preparation activities or resources.
Student Loan Subject metricCat:StudenLoanSubject
Measurement of the percentage of subjects with loans.
Student Financial Assistance metricCat:StudentFinancialAssistance
Measurement of the financial aid provided to subjects, including grants, scholarships, loans, and other financial support.
Student Loan Amount metricCat:StudentLoanAmount
Measurement of the loan amount accumulated by subjects after completing a learning or workforce preparation program.
Student Loan Debt metricCat:StudentLoanDebt
Measurement of the loan debt incurred by subjects for the purpose of enrolling in and participating in an educational or work preparation activity or resource.
Technology and Innovation metricCat:TechnologyInnovation
Measurement of the integration and adoption of technology and innovative practices in educational or work preparation activities or resources.
Innovation Adoption metricCat:InnovationAdoption
Measurement of the rate at which new and innovative practices are adopted in educational or work activities or resources.
Use of Technology metricCat:UseOfTechnology
Measurement of the extent to which educational or work preparation activities or resources integrate technology in their delivery.
WIOA metricCat:WIOA
Measurement of subjects related to Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act services and sponsored education or workforce preparation activity or resource.
WIOA Completer metricCat:WIOACompleter
Measurement of subjects who completed a WIOA-sponsored education or workforce preparation activity or resource, regardless of whether they were successful or unsuccessful.
WIOA Participant metricCat:WIOAParticipant
Measurement of subjects who have received staff-assisted Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act services.
WIOA Program Exiter metricCat:WIOAProgramExiter
Measurement of subjects who have received WIOA services and have an exit date or have not received any reportable services in the last 90 days.
WIOA Training Exiter metricCat:WIOATrainingExiter
Measures of subjects who either completed or withdrew from a WIOA-sponsored training program, or transferred to a different program.

Subject Category

Subject Category qdata:SubjectCategory
Categories of subjects for employment and earnings data.
Concepts for this Scheme:
Assessment Completer subjectCategory:AssessmentCompleter
Subject that has successfully completed an assessment.
Credential Holder subjectCategory:CredentialHolder
Subject that has earned the credential during the chosen employment and earnings time period.
Credential Seeker subjectCategory:CredentialSeeker
Subject actively seeking the credential through enrollment in a program or taking an assessment.
Enrollee subjectCategory:Enrollee
Subject currently enrolled in a program.
Financial Aid Recipient subjectCategory:FinancialAidRecipient
Subject currently receiving financial aid while pursuing the credential.
Graduate subjectCategory:Graduate
Subject that has graduated from a program.
Higher Level Credential subjectCategory:HigherLevelCredential
Subject who has earned a higher level credential.
In Further Education subjectCategory:InFurtherEducation
Credential holder actively seeking a higher-level credential.
Insufficient Data Available subjectCategory:InsufficientDataAvailable
Subject without sufficiently useful earnings or employment data.
Post-Credential Earnings subjectCategory:PostCredentialEarnings
Subject with earnings garnered after earning the credential.
Pre-Credential Earnings subjectCategory:PreCredentialEarnings
Subject with earnings garnered prior to earning the credential.